1. burnhampaul

    Back again and been out shopping

    Hi all sorry not been about for ages But have been busy and have added a 03 L322 3.0 decision vogue to my collection..... And still the mrs stays with me lol
  2. burnhampaul

    P38 Clarion Radio FIX!!!

    No go for me but I think I know where I went wrong lol ....... :D
  3. burnhampaul

    P38 clarion radio repair interest??

    took mine apart lunchtime soldering when I get home.... wish me luck lol
  4. burnhampaul

    P38 Clarion Radio FIX!!!

    Bugger...... Might have a look anyway.... Will let you know how I get on.:D
  5. burnhampaul

    P38 Clarion Radio FIX!!!

    hi dale cant see the images when I click on the links? was going to give this a try this evening, any ideas regards paul
  6. burnhampaul

    getting cheaper to run

    Might try that out of interest ..... I Just keep lobbing £40 in every time I'm passing a garage :p
  7. burnhampaul

    hello from sunny sumerset

    Thanks all .... Here's a pic of the cause of my impending divorce....
  8. burnhampaul

    hello from sunny sumerset

    Hi all, ive just bought a 1995 P38 for my sins.... had a classic and a P38 in the past and was missing them so got myself a new toy. soooo there goes the savings in the next few months :p