1. M

    Stolen Defender 90, dark grey hardtop with white roof

    Me too Andy lol, they always get away with it though don't they!!! I did all the work myself, and somewhere else, so I can't think of anyone that would know, but I do agree Bump that I do think I've been followed or something because it wasn't really parked somewhere that many people would...
  2. M

    Stolen Defender 90, dark grey hardtop with white roof

    Thanks for that. It could be anywhere by now! Sadly I didn't have any alarm or tracker, it was another of those jobs that I've still not got round to... very annoying! Matt
  3. M

    Stolen Defender 90, dark grey hardtop with white roof

    Hi everyone, Stolen between 23:30 on Wednesday 14th December and 05:30 on Thursday 15th December, from the pavement outside my house in Pagate, Warrington. It was my prde and joy and I'm desperate to get it back! Just had a 200tdi engine put in it, has a snorkel, high lift jack on the back...