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    For Sale Series wheels and tyres for sale fit defender etc

    4 of the less knobbly type (nearest fence panel), one of the more knobbly.
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    For Sale Series wheels and tyres for sale fit defender etc

    Located Hitchin herts. plenty of tread on the tyres. 16" £10 each or £40 the lot - there are 5
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    Series wheels and tyres for sale £10 each fit defender etc

    will fit later landies too..... 16 inch steel wheels, tyres fitted, plenty of tread. tenner each or £40 the lot, there are 5. Location Hitchin, Herts.
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    Oops, petrol in diesel, how much can I get away with - 200tdi

    The main concern is damage to the fuel pump. Modern engines have pumps that are lubricated by the diesel. Petrol can wreck them. How susceptible is the 200tdi pump ?
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    How much paint needed to redo a SWB ? advice too please

    It will get a few coats, but not 20. Slumping is best avoided by thinning the paint a little, might make an extra coat necessary. Im tending towards getting 5 litres and using the lot, maybe keep a jam-jar or two for touch-ups
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    Oops, petrol in diesel, how much can I get away with - 200tdi

    its in a car, going to have a few cans to use up
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    Oops, petrol in diesel, how much can I get away with - 200tdi

    I do know the ratio as Im the idiot who too hold of the wrong nozzle....
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    Oops, petrol in diesel, how much can I get away with - 200tdi

    To cut a long story short, I have some cans of mixed petrol and diesel What proportion of petrol can I get away with using in a 200 tdi ? Ive no propblem with adding a little 2-stroke oil for lubrication etc.
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    How much paint needed to redo a SWB ? advice too please

    So Im thinking of repainting my swb series. The plan so far Rub down the worst bits and paint over the lot White roof possibly, green body probably. Hard top has windows so the edges wont take a lot of paint. This is a diy at home task, so no spraying. Do I use a synthetic enamel ? Which ones...
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    Lost my keys

    Ive got in with an old key from who knows what, probably a roof-rack. Fancy that. Ordered a new ignition barrel with keys, £12 for door lock barrels, will the anti-burst ones fit the standard mechanisms ? They look alike but then so many bits do. Sometimes I park the old dear away from my dog...
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    Lost my keys

    This doughnut has lost his keys :( I wont ask you how to get in. Im sure I'll manage if I have to. How do I identify lock numbers and where to get new keys from ?
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    Brakes problem - HELP ! - tell me what to do next

    I've had a week or so off the landy, was getting fed up with it. Now have new shoes and genuine landrover drums on the front, brakes work. Still need bedding in. Aamzes me how little friction material comes on a new shoe, and how close the tolerance for wear between working and not. I suspect...
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    Brakes problem - HELP ! - tell me what to do next

    no dinner does bad things to a man
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    Brakes problem - HELP ! - tell me what to do next

    the cams are supposed to keep them out a bit so they dont have to move too far in the first place
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    Brakes problem - HELP ! - tell me what to do next

    Increasingly cheesed off, garage brought landy back today, main man still off sick and they cant look at it till next week. Brakes barely work and again its leaking fluid from one of the new pistons. I shall be speaking to a solicitor friend of mine to see what I can get out of the supplier. DO...
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    Brakes problem - HELP ! - tell me what to do next

    the boss who does mots and ancient landies is off sick so its still there.
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    Brakes problem - HELP ! - tell me what to do next

    All back together, working, brakes awful, in indy landy 4x4 garage now for mot, and a check over. It wont pass.
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    Decent brake bleeder wanted

    have you done this ? does it work ? does the chinese fuel tap hold pressure ? will the cheapo garden sprayer withstand brake fluid ? will I be binning the lot a year later ?
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    Brakes problem - HELP ! - tell me what to do next

    I'd worked that lot out, but well written, hope its useful to the next person with problems. Series Landy - problems ?
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    Halfords Oil & First time Oil Change on a Landy

    thats cheap ! Wilkinson sell some oils cheaply too No doubt its cheap oil, but its horses for courses. I might get a bottle just for topping up