1. B

    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Thanks for the replies guys. Appreciate the time and effort you're taking to explain things to me which are probably simple things. With the prop off and VCU I decided it's not worth the £££ to spend on fixing the issues, and I'd rather swap for a TD4 and just get the VCU swapped on the TD4...
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Hi guys, just a quick update, I've removed the front prop, the VCU and the rear prop and now the clonking/knocking noise has stopped and there are no issues while driving. BUT at low speeds I can slightly hear a quiet knocking noise similar to what was on the youtube video. I imagine this is the...
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    GrumpyGel thank you for your reply. I suppose you're right and I've got nothing to lose so I'll tackle the props myself. With the help of you guys and youtube I should get it done. I'll make a start now :)
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Just a quick update, I believe I have discovered that it is "transmission wind up" I supported the front wheels, placed the car in gear, took the handbrake off and jacked the passenger side rear up. With the back wheel off the ground I was able to freely rotate the wheel forwards and backwards...
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Thank you for that in depth answer. I would like to keep the vehicle as a 4wd as that was the whole point in buying it, but I don't have the knowledge or tools needed to perform certain tests or even take the prop off. If I take the props + VCU off and the car is ok does this simply mean I only...
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Is there any reason why it would have this much free play? Just seems like I'm having a world of problems underneath and everything needs replacing
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Sorry if this has been covered before, but should I be able to move the prop shafts by hand? I can turn the front prop about 1.5 inch and this also turns the rear prop. Is that right? Also at the very front of the prop where it looks like it attaches to the IRD there is a large oil splash or...
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Thanks for the heads up with the youtube video. This is the video http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TRNQj0o_RzU and that's the exact same knocking noise. And the video states it's a failed IRD. Well first thing is first I suppose and I'll get the VCU and prop shafts off. Am I right in thinking that...
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Thanks everyone for the replies. The problem I have is that I don't know what I'm doing and daren't drive it to the garage I use for them to do the checks etc. Does anyone know if I could class this as a breakdown and get the AA to tow me to the garage? Or would they expect me to continue to...
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Thank you for the quick reply. I'm not very mechanically minded at all, is it a big job/difficult to remove the VCU and prop shafts?
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    VCU and/or IRD Failure??

    Hello, I have a 52 plate Freelander 1, 1.8 petrol on 90k miles. Today whilst driving through the town centre, a knocking noise started underneath the car but I couldn't work out if it was from the front or the rear. The knocking noise was constant while the car was in motion and disappeared when...
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    Freelander 1.8 52 plate 4 wheel drive not working...i think

    i'll give the one wheel up test first then post results. thanks for your patience
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    Freelander 1.8 52 plate 4 wheel drive not working...i think

    I have done the 'handbrake test' whilst on some wet grass near my house, the car simply stalls and fails to go, no front wheels spinning. I then progressed to a larger area with wet grass and let my partner drive the car so i could take a look at what was happening. As suggested by *Epicuser* i...
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    Need some decent tyres, mostly for road use, but capable if i want to get giddy....

    i was looking at getting some 'General Grabber GT 225/55R17'
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    Freelander 1.8 52 plate 4 wheel drive not working...i think

    I get the general gist of what the vcu does but it's all confusing to be honest ha. Yeah think I'll give them a call. Ya can't beat peace of mind
  16. B

    Need some decent tyres, mostly for road use, but capable if i want to get giddy....

    I've done plenty of searches haha. What tyres you got on yours?
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    Freelander 1.8 52 plate 4 wheel drive not working...i think

    I'm in Barnsley so not far from Donny. What kinda price we talking to get it all checked out? Yeah tbh I'd rather have someone give it a once over so I know where I stand
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    Freelander 1.8 52 plate 4 wheel drive not working...i think

    Thanks for the advice. Bloody thing
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    Freelander 1.8 52 plate 4 wheel drive not working...i think

    Sorry I thought you were being funny, I'll try the wheel test. I just don't wanna go to a garage for it checking, they could tell me anything. All that happens when I put handbrake on and try to drive is the car stalls. No wheel spin
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    Freelander 1.8 52 plate 4 wheel drive not working...i think

    I don't have any way of getting the car off the ground with all 4 wheels. The VCU and IRD are new to me so never had to deal with anything like this. Obviously it's not hard to diagnose certain things but it's a lot harder to pin point 1 specific problem without investigating first especially...