1. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Sorry for the delay in response to my problem but I have been away then in hospital. The problem was the battery all along. I had it re tested by a reputable place and it checked out ok. But I decided that I would bite the bullet and renew it anyway. The problem disappeared instantly. It seems...
  2. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    my battery will only turn the car over for about 10 seconds (if that ) before becoming flat. if someone puts a "jump" to the car it makes no difference it will still not turn over. Connected it direct to recovery waggon ,and even that didn`t do it. I am thinking I should start with that.. what...
  3. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Yes true , 1 less thing to check
  4. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Thanks Keith, rain permitting, I am first going to check resistance of Glow plugs and if I have a battery drain and move on from there
  5. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Thank you for the offer, much appreciated
  6. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Thanks I will look into it
  7. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    thanks Keith
  8. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    I have a nanocom but am unsure how to use it
  9. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    The problem in uk at the moment is that there are only 2 P38 garages that are trusworthy, both very busy and both 100+ miles away .How difficult is it tho check FIP timing?
  10. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    I have just realised that I may be missing the obvious, "hot start problem" . it has happened twice, both times after going out for lunch. Car reaches normal temp, then cools a little then wont start. Its a timing chain fault I believe. . I know that my fuel pump wont turn any further (I tried...
  11. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    It certainly has me confused
  12. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    I believe that the meters are showing the output of the panel ,dependant on sunlight, and not the actual state of the battery
  13. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Hi, I may have found the problem ,if not the solution to my starting problem. I have a voltmeter fitted to the car and also one from the solar panel. I have been reading both, which are showing me what the solar panel is doing, not the state of the battery . I believe that I have a parasitic...
  14. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Thanks ,I will check the earths . it has not happened since . I will probably have to wait till it happens again thanks for your help
  15. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Yes i have regulator and the battery is good ,tested by a trusted supplier just 6 weeks ago. no problems since that time I will check the earths as suggested but I cannot think of anything else until it happens again. thanks for your help as usual
  16. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Hi Keith, no start cranks ok but battery seemed to lose power pretty quick. I have previously checked for parasitic drain but found none and also have a permanent 50 watt solar panel on roof.
  17. tarphenry

    P38A Starting mystery ( Diesel)

    Hi all. Whilst on holiday , the car failed to start, made no attempt at all. A chap next to me put one of these "magic" boxes on the battery, no effect. Then we tried jump starting it , no effect and the battery seemed very low after all these efforts ,so I called recovery. 35 mins later, a tech...
  18. tarphenry

    p38 diesel

    Ah ok thanks, I managed to locate an original in Suffolk and its on its way here . Thanks for all your assistance. Got to keep the old girl rolling
  19. tarphenry

    p38 diesel

    It seems that mine is an odd one with a round plug . I wonder if it can be fitted with the rectangular plug type and change the plug
  20. tarphenry

    p38 diesel
