1. C

    Just found a bunch of unexpected work on the motor, need to go and quietly sip a beer

    I can recommend Norton cutting discs. Don't forget goggles. Not just for flying discs parts but against falling ancient silt from godknowswhere. Patience is a virtue.
  2. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    the bulkhead footwells are gone. Repairable with a welder..........cheap too............... I have a fiesta with dodgy sills to practice on- real tights snaggers. 11.9 5 months MOT so plenty time to get it right. I hear ya. any models come recommended for the task?
  3. C

    hello from cornish border

    Well that's very big of you LittleWill. :D
  4. C

    hello from cornish border

    Try harder Trewey.
  5. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    I'm tempted by the welder - I have to admit I even have a qualie in it from nearly 30years ago. I knew I'd blagged it though which is why I am so ashamed of myself and weeping on landy zone. I guess that's not a first thou...
  6. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    Well - some clarity at last in my fogged brain:clap2:. Just logged in with my latest idea which is pretty much what you're saying Lynall. The MOT tester is the judge so ...hold on .....bang bang bang... see pic I tapped with a pointy panel hammer which got the main chunks off; tapped in a...
  7. C

    hello from cornish border

    Youre very very close Trewey.... I'll give you a cryptic clue It isn't....... Good luck!
  8. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    Yes thanks guys - its exactly where I am. With a bulkhead and chassis backplates etc etc I reckon that its 5k just to get het back on the road. The transfer box leaks badly (recon 15k ago) and I'm told they are just rubbish design and will leak again in 2 months.... The real trouble is I just...
  9. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    Take the 303 and I'll book you for Thursday instead!
  10. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    and that's exactly the point Marmaduke. Why spend 500 on a patch up when the extra few quid (ok 1500 is hardly a few but these days its not so huge). I just don't have the experience to condemn the front hanger area. It may have 5 years longer if treated maybe 10. It may collapse or rot out...
  11. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    I live just far enough into Cornwall to be Plymothian.!
  12. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    Just looked at your photobucket Marma- definitely feeling better about mine now I've seen yours!!!
  13. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    thanks Marmaduke. Nice work, what you doing next Wednesday??LOL I have the budget but am working with hand tools and cannot weld. Its all come apart very well so far with only the engine and box to come out and the front axle to drop. I don't have an engine crane (hire) so I signed up...
  14. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    here is the x member. New one required methinks. In places the chassis looks almost new - there used to be a hiab on the truck and here is where the x member for that was bolted on - a rust trap that did its job! My quandary is whether to re chassis or just patch it up. By the time I...
  15. C

    rechassis or not - help please

    Hi all, having been laid up for a few years recovering from an RTA; naturally my old girl HCPU 200tdi has lain up with me. Whilst I've recovered well ; she has not faired so well. Bulkhead was rotten so I decided to strip her out and got carried away..... Attached is a photo of the N/S...
  16. C

    hello from cornish border

    Hello all, following a spectacular RTA I've allowed my landie to get into the rebuild zone. I'm here for tech support and moral courage. The dismantle is going fine - I have reservations about the rebuild!:Cry: