1. C

    TD5 Fuel Preference

    I used to work for a well known propane gas supplier where people would pay top brand prices for our premium brand gas. The same tanker that delivered to us would then trundle off and deliver the remainder of his load to budget suppliers. i.e. exactly the same product, so I would say any...
  2. C

    TD5 runs down battery

    Thanks for all your replies. Problem sorted now, seems it was a dicky load sensor on the SLS , replaced last week and it hasn't had any problems since.
  3. C

    TD5 runs down battery

    My 1999 TD5 runs down the charge in the battery over a couple of days and will not start some mornings, when I come to turn the key it is totally dead with just the SRS light flickering slightly. Happens whether the vehicle is stood for a few days or if it is used daily. Took it to kwik sh*t to...