
New Member
I think I have noticed that my TD5 seems to run a little smoother and a little quieter on Shell/BP diesel than "supermarket" juice. There's no noticeable MPG differences I can detect...

Is this psychologocal, or has anyone else noticed?
A few weeks before the annual MOT test, I run my TD5 on BP Ultimate Diesel fuel. It is a little more expensive but runs cleaner, helping get through the dreadful experience when the MOT Tester floors the throttle for the smoke test.
Good idea, 2 years ago, at the first couple of runs (full throttle on the testing machine) the soot from the exhaust was over the MOT limit. The guy thrashed it on it's road test, then in ran clean when he tested it again. Last year, I used some diesel cleaner for the 3 or 4 tanks preceding the MOT (and thrashed it a bit on the M8) and it passed ok...
I find my TD5 runs best on Sainsburys City diesel. Run it on this from Nottingham to Brighton and it was fine, then filled up with Esso, did the return journey and it didnt run as smooth or quiet.
For passing the MoT smoke test have LOTS of biodiesel in the tank mix.

There will be NO sooty smoke on 100% bio (unless your engine is jiggered).

BioDiesel runs MUCH cleaner than dirty diesel from garages.

I used to work for a well known propane gas supplier where people would pay top brand prices for our premium brand gas. The same tanker that delivered to us would then trundle off and deliver the remainder of his load to budget suppliers. i.e. exactly the same product, so I would say any perceived difference is psychological.
Diesel is rated by cetane rating instead of octane rating, normal diesel has a rating of 51 and advanced diesel is 55 upwards, the advanced stuff also contains detergents which are supposed to break down carbon deposits and clean the injectors, so you could always try running a couple of tanks of the dearer stuff through the engine in the month before the test.It might help a little.
caught our local tesco filling up with quality JET fuel. didnt know there were any JET garages left open. my 125 never used to start on their petrol. BP used to give me a lovly ride though (no jokes)

but havent really noticed any difference on the car side of things.

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