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    Tappet Noise on new tapppets and cam

    i actually ended up keeping the ene rockers and indstead reducing height on rocker Axle stands by 0,4 mm - it completly removed ticking. i Read somwhere that end float on hydr lifters were big enough to do that.
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    Tappet Noise on new tapppets and cam

    hi look at ny post With similar issue http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f42/p38-range-rover-v8-ticking-noise-261876.html
  3. A

    P38 range rover V8 - ticking noise ??

    Hi Followed this : http://www.landroverresource.com/docs/Pinning_V8_Liner.pdf Not a difficult job. Got a 90 degree drill adapter, but a tiny driller Can do. Biggest issue were to remove engine Mounts in each side to get to the 2 cyls covered (On P38) Also get a good quality tool...
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    P38 range rover V8 - ticking noise ??

    ;-) One of The new (cheap) rockers i put in had the push Halfsphere 1 mm higher up than standard. Sound Could not as usual be dampende on the rocker - but Only on the side of the rod. So good advice will be - do not thrust new rockers - and Ticking cannot be always be traced to a...
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    P38 range rover V8 - ticking noise ??

    Update: I took a soundprofile and ran through moviemaker - i could pinpoint the Ticks - "millisecond distance" were at 300/minute - so half og Engine rev. I therefore ran through my pushrods and rockere - hold each Rocker with a woodpiece - still ticking. But noted that one of The...
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    P38 range rover V8 - ticking noise ??

    Hi thanks for suggestion - i missed writing that i've also put in a new chain so it cannot be that.
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    P38 range rover V8 - ticking noise ??

    Hi Has an annoying ticking. It's distinct metallic sounding one tick per revolution. When cold it's not there but comes after 2 minutes warm up and then continues. Heard at idle up to approx 2000 rev. (hear it - link to video/sound: P38Tick - YouTube ). Cannot point where noise comes from -...