1. G

    I'm happy rebuilt 4.0 with megasquirt running in 90

    That sounds awesome .. Really need get get the an engine like that in my life - im on the hunt for a V8 for my first defender!!
  2. G

    Sluggish ??

    cheers for the advice ... i'll go trawling ebay and see what i can find - unless there are better places to look that ive not found yet ?
  3. G

    Sluggish ??

    So .. basically buy the right one first :) Im not planning on any serious wading, so the 3.9 is the way forward by the sounds of it ? ... or wait for a TVR one to turn up ?
  4. G

    Sluggish ??

    a '1uzfe' ? say what now ? :) Feel free to enlighten me on this topic, i really fancy a v8 as it will be my second car - what should i be looking at, what should i avoid and what should be on my wish list for a performance beast ? Thanks Dave
  5. G

    Sluggish ??

    Morning all I'm not a landy owner yet .. working on that!! Been out trying out various vehicles trying to get a feel for them, so far i've driven a Disco TDV6 (2.7), Disco TD5 and just this weekend a Defender V8 (3.5) I wasnt expecting blistering performance from the V8, but i was...
  6. G

    New .. but not a Landy owner yet!

    Still trying to find one that hasnt been ragged to death - sadly it seems all the 200/300Tdi's have had a much more pampered life - the V8's seem to be the scruffy kid in the corner of the class that no-one will mess with but no one actually cares about :)
  7. G

    New .. but not a Landy owner yet!

    Ideally i'd love a Defender, but failing that, a Range Rover Classic! Coil sprung and tax exempt would be perfect, but the more i read the more i realise that those two things rarely go together!
  8. G

    New .. but not a Landy owner yet!

    Afternoon All, I've been a landy fan for as long as i can remember and i've decided that now is the time to take the plunge and buy one! It will be a second car and i suppose the age old question that you hear a lot is V8 or TDi ? I'm a petrolhead and have always wanted a V8, but am I...