
New Member
Morning all

I'm not a landy owner yet .. working on that!!
Been out trying out various vehicles trying to get a feel for them, so far i've driven a Disco TDV6 (2.7), Disco TD5 and just this weekend a Defender V8 (3.5)

I wasnt expecting blistering performance from the V8, but i was expecting to feel a marked difference between that and probably the TD5 ?

Did i just drive a dud, or are the V8's really that sluggish ?

It was a 88 plate CSW 90 with 106k on the clock - clearly it had been used as intended offroad... uprated exhaust but that seemed to be it engine wise.

No that will be 137hp on a good day carb fueled noise machine, that is why I put 1uzfe quad cam v8 in mine 260hp
a '1uzfe' ?

say what now ? :)

Feel free to enlighten me on this topic, i really fancy a v8 as it will be my second car - what should i be looking at, what should i avoid and what should be on my wish list for a performance beast ?

So .. basically buy the right one first :)
Im not planning on any serious wading, so the 3.9 is the way forward by the sounds of it ? ... or wait for a TVR one to turn up ?
What you've got to remember is that the V8 is the design is from the 50/60s, TD5 came out in what the 90s? And TDV6 is late 90s early 00s... So 'blistering performance' if modified but from stock they are adequate for use in a Land-Rover and will last if taken care of!

As fanatic said, that 3.5 probably on carburettors came with that hp from new, whats it got now after many years of potential neglect? BTW go and read fanatics thread on putting the 1uzfe quad cam v8 in... brilliant thread! :D

3.9 would be a good buy, more power than 3.5 and all injected from stock.
cheers for the advice ... i'll go trawling ebay and see what i can find - unless there are better places to look that ive not found yet ?
With a worn cam and a bit of compression loss from age, it probably was pushing out a pretty average hp to push even a SWB. My 3.9 hotwire RRC wasn't quick at all compared to my tdci Mondeo, but it sounded a sh!t load better. Having said that, a 3.9 is much quicker than a 300 tdi.

Nothing wrong with your 90 csw idea if you add a hotter cam, recon the carbs (and make sure its got good compression first). The EFI is nice but a bit more finicky than SUs, but yes quicker! A 90 with an EFI 3.9 would go pretty well.

But as others have said, rover v8s in landys are not built to rev or make much hp. But an rv8 does sound nice. I'd love a TVR! And a landy.........
What you've got to remember is that the V8 is the design is from the 50/60s, TD5 came out in what the 90s? And TDV6 is late 90s early 00s... So 'blistering performance' if modified but from stock they are adequate for use in a Land-Rover and will last if taken care of!

As fanatic said, that 3.5 probably on carburettors came with that hp from new, whats it got now after many years of potential neglect? BTW go and read fanatics thread on putting the 1uzfe quad cam v8 in... brilliant thread! :D

3.9 would be a good buy, more power than 3.5 and all injected from stock. can go and it properly...(sorry he he..)

and go fit a 400 hp version in...and still get mpg than the 3.5..

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