1. DJG

    MOT Failure

    Yeah I was lead to believe when out of tax/test you're meant to book the closest test centre. I didn't quite do that but it's still very close. I used to drive a TX London taxi and the diesel cleaner used to work well on that but I've never used one for petrol.
  2. DJG

    MOT Failure

    Thanks for that. I live in the centre of Canterbury so I will struggle to get a good run going but I will work out some routes before the retest. I will do the plugs/leads anyway. Any idea if any of these 'cleaner' fluids are worth sticking in the tank?
  3. DJG

    MOT Failure

    PS It always has quite a strong petrol smell emanating from it. Not sure if this is fairly standard from those engines. I know of another that smells pretty similar.
  4. DJG

    MOT Failure

    Ok thanks. Big problem is that I can't drive the car. It has no tax or MOT. Letting it run is the best I can do.
  5. DJG

    MOT Failure

    RR went in for it's MOT today and failed on emissions. There's no rattle from the cats. The car has a very slight miss fire and I think the plugs are overdue a change so maybe that could be contributing? Also worth mentioning the car has been sat, unused for 2 months. Tax and test ran out last...
  6. DJG


    Thank you Rick I will do that. Any tips on how to approach the cruise control (lack of it)?
  7. DJG


    I really need to get a copy of RAVE before getting too involved I think.
  8. DJG


    Ok I am going to have a good look over the fuse box but where are the managements for those features for me to check connections?
  9. DJG


    Auto 1997 4.0L
  10. DJG


    Yeah they were born to give random fault warning under low voltage. These problems have been there since I bought the car though.
  11. DJG


    Hello all, haven't been on here for a while. The P38 has been sitting on the drive for some time but going to catch up on some bits that need doing between now and xmas. From generally reading the post/problems on here it seems the BECM controls or powers a lot of things. Electrics wise I...
  12. DJG

    LPG issue

    Ok cheers. Think I'll need to get the whole system checked though finding a local specialist doesn't seem to be easy.
  13. DJG

    LPG issue

    Could be overdue then.
  14. DJG

    LPG issue

    I've got a problem with my LPG system. Initially it would switch back to petrol whilst running on LPG if I booted it a bit ie joining a motorway, giving a beeping sound until I pushed the button, it wouldn't allow me to attempt to switch back to gas unless I switched the ignition off, then back...
  15. DJG

    Knock knock go away

    Possibly anti-roll bar link.
  16. DJG

    Not strictly a RR question but..

    I will give it a go tomorrow. It should be ok you reckon?
  17. DJG

    Not strictly a RR question but..

    The last owner of my P38 tried to tackle the problem of sagging headlining by re-glueing it. I'm sure it was great theoretically but in reality it was crap! In his effort he managed to get glue on the rear screen. Now I've decided I want it off. Scraping it could be painstaking trying to avoid...
  18. DJG

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    One of the rubber mounts was completely perished and all 3 nuts were very tight!
  19. DJG

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Put new personal plates on. Found out why my EAS pump is making so much noise.
  20. DJG

    Nokia model

    It's nice to see a problem on here that doesn't make me think "oh poor bugger".