New Member
Hello all, haven't been on here for a while. The P38 has been sitting on the drive for some time but going to catch up on some bits that need doing between now and xmas. From generally reading the post/problems on here it seems the BECM controls or powers a lot of things. Electrics wise I currently have these problems... no central locking with fobs, no cruise control (led doesn't light up) fantom gearbox overheat warning (sometimes when sounding the horn) and I'm sure there's something else that I can't remember now. Could it be all because of a knackered BECM?
Generally the advice on here is don't do anything on a P38 without a 100% charged and decent battery. Does all sorts of weird things without this. Guess as it gets older it becomes more sensitive too.
Yeah they were born to give random fault warning under low voltage. These problems have been there since I bought the car though.
Ok I am going to have a good look over the fuse box but where are the managements for those features for me to check connections?
For a simple start, pull the kick panel off on the passenger side & check the two white connectors for corrosion. These dodgy connectors kick up gearbox & EAS faults.
If any signs or yellow powdery substance cut the connectors out & solder the wires straight through.
Thank you Rick I will do that. Any tips on how to approach the cruise control (lack of it)?

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