1. S

    p38 4.6 breaking

    Is the interior leather and what's it like? If it is and it's ok, how much for the complete interior, door cards roof lining etc with delivery if possible!
  2. S

    Land rover Series III clear out

    Don't suppose you have a dash available?
  3. S

    300tdi auto 1996

    I'm interested buddy, would you be around mid week for me to have a look?
  4. S

    Discovery engine swaps

    Sorry should have searched first, bad manners! Lesson learned!;)
  5. S

    Discovery engine swaps

    Got an old disco with a ropey engine, and I've also got an old but very good Perkins 6bt engine squirrelled away, would the Perkins shoe horn into the disco??
  6. S

    North of the border noob

    Just thought I would pop in and say hello! New to the forum, old to land rovers! Been around them from leaving school and had 14 at various stages up to now! On the drive at the minute is our daily runaround a 2001 td4 hippo, and my new baby a1964(I think!) s2 "Gerty" although it's plated a 72...