1. M

    My Arse On Ebay ()

    Mike will post an ad in the for sale section like everyone else
  2. M

    Won't accelarate

    Mine too is doing the same so any info from other users would be great
  3. M

    Temp guage not working after head gasket change??

    hi mate its a petrol 4.0. where on the engine is this sensor and wiring?
  4. M

    Central Locking On Drivers Side Not Working!!

    HI mate thats great news cheers. what part do i need to go hunting for on ebay etc? Door actuator?
  5. M

    Central Locking On Drivers Side Not Working!!

    After attemoting to lock my p38 all locks went down except the drivers door? When sitting in the car and i push the drivers lock down and up all seem to work. Just when i use the key fob it dosnt. It works when i use the key in the lock fine. Where should i look? what parts do i need to buy...
  6. M

    Temp guage not working after head gasket change??

    After having my head gasket changed on my p38 the temp guage does not seem to go back to the correct operating temp. It just sits in the blue. The little red light to the right of the guage does not come on saying temp failure so i stuck. Any ideas where to look???
  7. M

    Accessing the BECM??

    i have no idea to be honest i read that someone had slight water ingress in theirs which was causing an electrical fault similar to mine and he went to the BECM cleaned up the points??? and all was fine.
  8. M

    Alternator Failure

    Is alt esay to get to? The battery connections seem fine at the mo. I bought a new fuse box thinking that maybe the garage poured water into the fuse box and knackered it by mistake? Maybe its more simple than that then?
  9. M

    Alternator Failure

    i take it i need to tighten a cable on the alt then?
  10. M

    Accessing the BECM??

    How do i access the BECM exactly to check the points etc? As im having an electrical problem.
  11. M

    Alternator Failure

    where do i check these wires from mate? do i take the dash out etc?
  12. M

    all 3 turn lights stay on

    Hi there, how do i get to the BECM as im have simliar problems.
  13. M

    Alternator Failure

    Hi tim seal My rangie had an issue where i had the heater o rings changed and when it came backa new defect came up being whilst driving along all the dash lights will come on and guages drop to zero. this been happening fro a week now with means to investigate but no time. Now it has started...
  14. M

    Lpg Lean

    cant argue with what equates to 36mpg for a v8 on lpg though. Plus diesel is literally through the roof. some places here in cornwall its £1.09!!!
  15. M

    All Dash Lights Are Coming On??

    hi thanks for you responce, will i be able to carry out the work myself if its a case of taking the dash apart i can do this im sure. I bought a new fuse box thinking that they may have poured water in there when doing the head gasket. Or will this be a case of needing a new instrument panel...
  16. M

    All Dash Lights Are Coming On??

    Can abyone enlighten to why when im driving along, all of a sudden all the dash lights will come on and the guages go to zero?? If i snack the top of dash they sometimes go out but not for long. The car went in for a head gasket replacement and heater o rings etc then comes out with this defect????
  17. M

    Heated Seats

    I believe the heating element in th seats have gone tits up same as mine mate. I havnt had time to look into it as im having other problems with the car etc which require actioning. although i do know its a bugger of a job as ive asked this on here before.
  18. M

    Lpg Lean

    im afraid i jsut havnt had the time and i did not get hold of the garage, i had bigger probs lately, i had the head gasket done along with the heater o rings and now while driving i get all dash lights come on and guages drop off etc, any ideas yourself? one thing after the other, prob going to...
  19. M

    p38. coolant in r/h footwell

    so what have the garage done wrong?? I will def take it back but need to be saying the right words?? Cheers
  20. M

    p38. coolant in r/h footwell

    I had the o rings changed on the heater matrix this week and she has come back with a new defect, electrical fault!!! all the lights in the dash come on and off etc, think it may have leaked on to some cables or something in the dash? any ideas?? i see someone else has had a problem same as this...