1. K

    Installing speakers and radio

    Thanks for the advice, yeah my landrover is a soft top and is VERY noisy, so might do that, and the ammo box idea is indeed facking genius! Can't wait to do it maybe cut holes in some surplus ammo boxes for speakers :o
  2. K

    Installing speakers and radio

    Yeah I'm wanting to keep the full military look, that sounds like a cool idea! I was just going to run the cables directly under the passanger seat and was hoping to put it in the middle, or on the dash, but thought it might over complicate things, I seen these speakers, any idea if they will be...
  3. K

    Installing speakers and radio

    Hey guys, So basically, I want to fit in some speakers and a radio when I finish restoring my ex-mod 110, and I'm just wondering if anyone could tell me exactly what I will need, I'm not too good with vehicle audio, I just have basic knowledge of surround sound speaker systems and that sort...
  4. K

    Help removing rear bench seats and seats

    Hey guys, Looking to remove my rear bench seats for painting, after they are removed, do I need someone holding a bolt under the hole or something to bolt them back into place or? Same with the front cabin seats Thanks in advance
  5. K

    Etch Primer for Landrover

    Yeah haha! I messaged the seller I was buying the paints from, he recommended I thin the etch primer 20% then can use it all over the landrover, and over filler, or under filler, then give that a top coat of the anti corrosive primer, then my top coat of NATO Green paint, sanding it with 320...
  6. K

    Etch Primer for Landrover

    Ah okay, what type of primer should I use on top of the etch? and could I go over some areas that are still painted a bit with the etch primer? will it react with the existing paint or?
  7. K

    Etch Primer for Landrover

    Anyone? :attention:
  8. K

    Etch Primer for Landrover

    Hey guys, quick question to clear some things up about etch primer, Do I need to go down to bare metal all round or just key the existing paint with like 120grit sand paper? removing flakey paint too How many coats of etch primer? and Do i need to give it a top coat of a regular primer? Can I...
  9. K

    Rust on bulkhead

    Haha :P Why?
  10. K

    Primer for bare metal?

    Today I just attempted to remove some of the paint, and realized what a ball ache it actually is! Sanding is fine for the feeling parts and bubbly parts, but the rest took me ages for a tiny patch, can I just key it and use the etch primer, or will the etch primer react with the existing paint?
  11. K

    Rust on bulkhead

    Well I passed my MOT with no advisory's with what appears to be riveted repair panels on both bulkhead corners :P I'm in Livingston mate
  12. K

    Landy from Midlothian, 200tdi conv.

    Hey man In the area, Livingston to be exact, very nice what you have done with her :D
  13. K

    Rust on bulkhead

    Ah right great, seems like way too much of a challenge for me to undertake stripping it down to bits like that, especially without experience and a lot of rusty screws and stuff I would probably need to re thread, and the screw holes, hopefully the damage isnt too great and i can sort it all...
  14. K

    Rust on bulkhead

    Found a few mates who can weld, so hopefully I dont need to strip the bulkhead off, and I can just cut out and replace the panels, and I'm hoping it hasent spread, gotta get an arc welder though, really cant afford a mig
  15. K

    Primer for bare metal?

    Hopefully starting soon, will post pics
  16. K

    Rust on bulkhead

    Ah great, thanks thats a big help, did you use the replacement panels on ebay? and do I HAVE to take it down to that state of just the bulkhead or removing the entire bulkhead? because I wouldnt have a hope in hell doing that haha
  17. K

    Rust on bulkhead

    Thanks for the advice, I'm still just really worried about doing an even worse job, never used a welder before or actually done any body work stuff before, I just have a feeling I'm going to botch it haha, will defanitely look into it though, I think first of all the best idea is to get the...
  18. K

    Rust on bulkhead

    Ah right this seems a lot less of a massive dreaded task now haha :P And yeah investing in a mig welder seems like a good idea, just dont want to botch it, hopefully its good for awhile, really can't do it now, just bought a compressor, spray gun stuff, paint and all that for it, sander etc haha
  19. K

    Rust on bulkhead

    Ah right great, well thankfully right now its sorn and isnt going anywhere on the road, and will I have to remove the bulkhead completely, or just grind the rotted area our and place in the replacement panel, then weld it with a mig welder?
  20. K

    Rust on bulkhead

    Yeah good point :) How long do you think I have before its just ####ed? I have had the truck for a few months now and its been in the same state since I got her, sprayed the visable rust with ACF-50, how long realistically do I have until its beyond repair?