
New Member
Hey guys, quick question to clear some things up about etch primer,

Do I need to go down to bare metal all round or just key the existing paint with like 120grit sand paper? removing flakey paint too

How many coats of etch primer? and Do i need to give it a top coat of a regular primer?

Can I use it over filler?

etch primer only needed for bare ali, and yes normal primer on top once dry

Any paint that's just been sanded can just be primed as normals
Ah okay, what type of primer should I use on top of the etch? and could I go over some areas that are still painted a bit with the etch primer? will it react with the existing paint or?
Bit of overspray/coat with etch onto existing paint won't do any harm, just smooth if required once dry

Any base coat primer is Ok - either white or grey depending on depth of top coat colour

You can also get a filler primer which is slightly thicker and can be a little helpful in covering any minor imperfections, but TBH it's a Landy and they aren't meant to be smooth and glossy!
Yeah haha! I messaged the seller I was buying the paints from, he recommended I thin the etch primer 20% then can use it all over the landrover, and over filler, or under filler, then give that a top coat of the anti corrosive primer, then my top coat of NATO Green paint, sanding it with 320 grit each time, does that sound about right? because it seems like a massive ball ache to strip it all to bare metal, so I thought getting that etch primer on would be pretty helpful for the next coat to adhere to instead of the crap paint, since it etches in
Never thinned etch primer myself, but certainly no need to strip the whole thing to bare metal!

Just feather the edges where the sound paint meets bare metal so that it feels smooth to your finger tips

Irregular shape transitions between surfaces are always less visible than straight lines by the way

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