1. Y

    Fuel Pressure Regulator

    Ok thank you, mine is pretty bad until its started leaves a puddle and is washing off the old oil from the oil leak it had........its in the garage at the mo for the leak and ABS problem so I was just wondering what to expect bill wise.
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    Fuel Pressure Regulator

    Hi folks, sorry to highjack but just wondering is the FPR located at the back of the engine ? and is the leak worse when first priming prior to starting the engine or does it leak all the time ?, I only ask as I have a leak which seems to be bad with the ignition on, (fuel pump working) but then...
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    The Joys Of Land Rover Ownership

    they certainly do get under your skin my 1st LR was a disco 1, I got to drive it with a big smile on my face for a little over a week before the cylinder head gave in, £1400 later and I got it back but it wasn't the same, when it was time for its MOT I was quoted £900 for the welding that was...
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    this might sound daft but!

    Thanks for all the sound advise and much appreciated help puts my mind at rest I'm starting to get to know the old girl now and how to treat her right.... just love having a Landy again. :D
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    this might sound daft but!

    thank you :) I just found discovery 2 td5 web site and read his article cheers, he has some good stuff on there.
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    this might sound daft but!

    Thanks guys, I've never even heard of a crank damper so I shall look into that, hope the glow plugs are fine as she starts on the button what ever the temp. So no matter how hard I rev no damage should occur, due to the ecu over riding the throttle then is that the idea. I know the TD5 are quite...
  7. Y

    this might sound daft but!

    Thanks very much for that, it is when is cold, though I wouldn't say a rattle its more like its under strain as if shes been asked to much of I think theres a problem with the autobox or sensors governing its selection as soon as the expense of Christmas is out of the way ill get her booked in...
  8. Y

    To name or not to name?....

    some have been named some not I think it depends how quick they get under your skin.... ours is Lara take your pick for the reasons, Lara the Land rover, after Lara Croft a go anywhere sort of gal and this is going to cost a Lara money!!!
  9. Y

    this might sound daft but!

    Hi everyone hope you all had a good Christmas and happy new year when it comes..... I have a disco 2 td5 and have a couple of questions that I wonder if anyone could answer, I noticed the other day that the rev counter has no red limit, I think just about every car I've had has, that said I...
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    Why did you buy a disco!!

    I had a 300tdi which was great while it lasted, but needed rebuilding and as I needed transport for work I had to let it go, 3 or 4 cars later and nothing filled the void, so it was time for another Landy in the family, I must admit it was a fender I wanted but having seen some horror stories...
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    Aberdeen. Stuck in mud. Danger of rolling!

    good to hear that you got sorted out, wish I could have helped but don't have any recovery kit (yet) looking forward to the pics where about's were you ?
  12. Y

    Disco II Air suspension – the definitive guide

    Right then been out to the Landy today and as suggested above, pulled the washer relay and fitted it in to the rear suspension relay slot, result - no compressor action, so I swapped them back and still the compressor remained off. jumped in and activated the ride height button, she rose and the...
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    Disco II Air suspension – the definitive guide

    Thats great thanks, never thought about that, I'll try your suggestion today and fingers crossed I was thinking it could be water ingress (hard to believe in a Landy I know) affecting wiring somewhere but can't think where its still getting power from with the ignition off. Thank you very much...
  14. Y

    Auxiliary gauges on dash

    I don't know if the photo will work been trying all day, seems to be a back art..... any way this is what I did, I got a twin pod and cut it in half and then shaped it to my dash clocks I've only done the one side just now as other problems more demanding of my time have arisen, like auto box...
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    Disco II Air suspension – the definitive guide

    Thanks for the reply rjsdavis :) I reconnected my battery today and immediately the compressor kicked in with no change in the rear height, I left it for as long as I dare and until the compressor became warm and as you suggest drove it round, but it still ran on once the ignition was turned off...
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    Disco II Air suspension – the definitive guide

    Hi all, what great read and answered a lot of questions I thought mine was ok but when I push the off road button it chimes 3 times and then puts up the rear whilst flashing the icon on the dash, but then the light goes out and stays unlit until pressed again to lower? and the other night...
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    slow/no auto box change

    No pushed all the buttons and they light and go out as they should thanks.
  18. Y

    slow/no auto box change

    Thanks very much sierrafery I shall give that a try, sorry for not replying sooner, been tackling other issues like not starting, and seized low/high box, Ooh I do love Landy's. yes there is a filter ArticFox that was "changed" at the service in February autobox filter kit £15.27 and 6ltrs of...
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    slow/no auto box change

    I've just sealed mine up for over the winter I'll investigate come the springtime. Its more the auto box thats the worry.
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    slow/no auto box change

    Hi everyone I hope someone can help, I got a discovery 2 TD5 auto Y reg this weekend and all seemed ok, the test drive was good but then you never really drive as you would if it were your own on a test drive, I'm now finding my way round her, not too different from my last mk 1, however on...