1. C

    rear side doors

    please help can not open rear side doors from inside or out on my 2000 freelander 18 petrol. button comes up when i press to unlock :confused:
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    Freelander Faults poll

    for got window wiper mechanism in total have spent app £3000 on repairs
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    Freelander Faults poll

    clutch/ird unit/head/both window regs/master cylinder/on my w reg 1.8
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    freelander water pump

    can anyone tell me how much to fit new pump 1.8 petrol w reg thanks
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    none here in walkden
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    North Manchester / Oldham Off Roading

    take a look at cowm leisure whitworth
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    4x4 Cow ?

    ramblers are full of BULL S--T
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    could any one tell me if there are any meetings in the bolton area
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    Ban all 4x4's

    you always need a 4x4 when that nice car is stuck in the snow and mud keeping it kleen i could have said s--t.
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    New Disco / Range Rover Sport

    sorry i do not like disco 3 because the first one i saw was in black with black windows it just looked like an hearst so give me a r/r sport even though i could not aford either
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    could any body please tell me if hiclone work on1.8 freelander and how many do you need to fit and is it worth it
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    noisey wipers

    wipers some times noisey please help
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    Is this normal.

    my freelander does the same good to know
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    freelander revs fault

    Try Idle Control Valve Had This Problem On A Granada
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    LRO Show. Driffield

    hi gundog hope you raise lots of money, unfortunately we will not put our dog in your creche she is a 16 mnth bullmastiff and is a baby, she is as soft as s*** good luck lots of money, carl's misses
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    LRO Show. Driffield

    I Am Thinking Of Going To Driffield For The First Time Can I Take My Dog Along ?