
New Member
does any one realy like the new disco ? i read with interest from caravan club, that if your pulling a twin wheel base caravan and driving this car you will need a hgv 3 ! i had the displeasure of taking one out over the weekend, over priced, over-engineered, over-the top rubbish !
my old 300tdis auto would see it off on all counts, what is ford doing ?
rear profile looks like transit connect, the side looks like a black cab ! the size of those doors ! and the front has been stolen from the range rover.
inside is full of plastic and switch gear you will never touch ! you need a flight manual just to dive it, when will you ever get time to look out of the wind screen ?
after my disapointment with the disco, the sales man let my lose with the new range rover sport, now, what a car that is.
same price as the disco but without 7 seats, if you was going to buy a car for 7 seats i would not be spending £40,000 +. have you got in the back seats of a new disco ? to carry 6 or 7 you need a car thats made for 6 or 7, not toy town seats that only a 3 year old can get into. folded down, theres massive gaps you can put your fist down......rubbish.

the range rover sport is some thing els, try one ! what a car.all the right bits, with out over doing it, drives like a dream, no plastic all over the place, every thing fits including you..........great car.
So your not a fan of the Discovery 3 then? Land Rover seem to be spending too much time on the USA scene than the off-road market. I'm not a big lover of the Freelander or Discovery 3, but the Range Rover sport is a nice looking car, a little bit out of my price range (about £39,000 out). Was impressed when Clarksons took it for a spin on Top Gear not long back. Don't get the back end of the Discovery, like you say, its too van like but the company has moved on and seem too be making the money so what do I know!!!!
Come on Tight Fart, its a nice looking bit of kit! Have you seen it in the G4 challenge colours? Looks good.
Don't get me wrong, tint the windows and stick a set of shiny spinning wheel trims on it and you're right! Pimp me up time!!!!!
I'll have a screwball with a flake please and lots of chocolate sauce!

It wouldn't take much converting. Just a bigger freezer and some funky tunes...

Careful chaps, things are teetering on the edge of "BUY ME AND STOP ONE". ...............................................................................................................Hows that for lowering the tone.

Regards WP.
What are you lot on about???? Sure the Disco doesn't look anywhere near as good as a Volvo XC90 but its a bit harsh calling it an ice-cream wagon! It may look a bit blocky and square but thats 21st century design. Like all postmodern art, elegance and sweeping curves have been replace by right angles and minimalist design. The Disco is merely a symbol of Landy moving into the 21st century.... The only thing il have a dig at it for is the price, rediculous!!!!!!
sorry i do not like disco 3 because the first one
i saw was in black with black windows it just
looked like an hearst so give me a r/r sport
even though i could not aford either
I love these comments, very contra, did any one els get the silly letter from land rover offering 30% off a new car ? after investigation via my local dealer in stortford, it seems disco 3 is not selling in the numbers landy had hoped.
as a result, landy owners that change cars every 3 / 4 years have been offered a discount if you buy a disco 3 befor the end of dec 2005.
i personaly dont see disco 3 lasting very much longer in its present form, and there will have to be a re-think on price.
keep the comments comeing.
i say , thank god for ford,its about time landrover was made comfortable to drive, plenty of power,very quiet,better rd holding,fantastic gearbox,seven seats is great tows my twin axle well, dont even no its on the back once uve driven one u wont go back to the old ****! and i like all gadgets.removeable tow bar is great if u could aford one, u would buy one! would of bought sports but no seven seats and waiting list to long.
further to my post dated 27th nov, had further dealings with my local dealer,
land rover would now like to offer 17 new disco,s with upto 30% off !
haveing had words with the sales man that sold me the freelander, it seems
all the stuff in the papers is not true, there is no waiting list for this car,
as thay are not selling the numbers expected.
selected customers have been contacted and have been made this offer,
inorder to sell more disc 3.
needless to say, i told the sales person what to do with his 30% and his
disco van thing !
we further got into a conversation about " whats wrong with it " well,
i could go on forever. ( i like the comment ice cream van, lol ) i did tell
land rover, not a happy chappy.....lol
If I may add my view (as a newbie) having spent some time perving around our local LR dealers I must admit I rather like the new Disco3 although have to agree, it looks funerial in black.

The Range Rover Sport begs the question...why?

It'll be interesting to see what they do to the forthcoming Freelander
NinoNick, your views as a newbie are most welcome. It makes a change to us regular forum lurkers :cool:

Can I have a flake in mine please?
Well to be honest Gareth, ALWAYS been a big Land Rover fan.Wanted one in my twenties...it never happened..and now all those years later my 4x4 hating missus actually liked the Freelander so feel we're getting there in a long winded way.

So basically I'm saying I'm rather passionate about them. If I'm honest I'd actually go for a 110 (though the Disco3 would be more comfy)

The 110 Unpretentious and practicle. I like that.

Anyway, going back to thread, yes, previous comments about bowing to US market seems to be about it.

Rant over...Happy Christmas new Landie friends (am I allowed to say Landie?)

Cheers, Nick

PS:and I didn't mention my smart once....whoops
im not a fan of the disco 3 although i would ave a TDV6 manual! :)

Me dad has a range Sport supercharged and it is nice and all but it aint that quick and apart from the sound i would rather have a touraeg 5.0 V10 TDI same performance but does 25mpg rather than me dads 11.7mpg


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