1. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Why, the joys of P38 ownership. The fuel quantity servo is integral to the injection pump I am guessing which means whole unit swap. The other scenario could well be correct but will watch to see if it continues now a new lift pump is fitted. Cheers again Wammers.
  2. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Hi Guys, Last question re lift pump. I note from you Wammers that you say that the lift pump only runs when glow plugs are lit or when engine running so would a dodgy pump result in the car stalling when it is particularly under load i.e. air con kicking in or even when turning having just...
  3. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Is this going to be the theme of the thread now? To see how many variations of Wammers name autocorrect creates?
  4. Buzz2406

    P38A Hot fix was working not now

    This thread sounds familiar Wammers.
  5. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Just realised auto correct t called you Spammers...sorry.
  6. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Well don't want to boast but.......
  7. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Well Spammers, checked fuse 39 and all OK. Ran wire from +ve terminal on battery and pump not running. On to dropping tank and changing lift pump and checking brake pipes whilst there. Thank you for all the advice.
  8. Buzz2406

    P38 gearbox fault

    I bow to your greater knowledge Oh Be Whan! :D
  9. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Good tip cheers
  10. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Ta muchly
  11. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    I refer to my last post your honour! :D
  12. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Yer just showing off now!! :D:D
  13. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Ahhhh cheers
  14. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Sorry guys, what does VDO stand for?
  15. Buzz2406

    P38 gearbox fault

    Funny enough just posting about the lift pump on mine. Running ok. Out the following day, cranking over but not starting. Have some checks that Wammers recommended to do later but not hearing the pump prime on start up either.Any other symptoms that you noticed? Mine was poor on inclines.
  16. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Cheers Wammers. Will check this out later. Mine is 1998 but not hearing the faint whine when waiting for glow lamps to go out. Will do the checks later but clearly there is insufficient fuel getting through as air bubbles are apparent in the fuel line.
  17. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Not directly on the pump but got the auto diagnostic blokey to check circuits etc to check that all working. Also bridged the relay connectors in the fuse box to see if that made a difference.
  18. Buzz2406

    P38A Fuel pump failure

    Hi guys, Just been on holiday to Cornwall in the old girl (2.5 DSE) and had no problems at all apart from struggling very slightly going up inclines. On getting home. Parked up overnight but won't start. Got diagnostic on it as thinking that the BCM and ECU may not have same code. Nope all...
  19. Buzz2406

    P38A Engine speed dropping at tick over

    Cheers Grrrr. Plan to have a look at the weekend
  20. Buzz2406

    P38A Engine speed dropping at tick over

    Cheers Wammers. Will get it checked out.