1. dizzytim

    Wide Angle propshafts: Which way round?

    Slider to the gearbox :)
  2. dizzytim

    South yorkshire

    Can you fix mine please lol
  3. dizzytim

    Discovery 1 Help after jump starting

    'Not sure about V8 but Speedo on tdi gets its reading from the alternator' Think you'll find that tachometer is taken from alternator and speedo is taken from transfer box transducer, check cable from alternator to starter ( charge lead ) and also check engine to body earth, hope this helps
  4. dizzytim

    Time to change disco

    After spending the last 2 years or so making my disco into a very capable offroader it's time to change, the body has got a bit bad and I've always wished I'd started with a 3 door rather than a 5 door. I've now purchased a 98 'S' plate commercial 300tdi and started to swap the mods over...
  5. dizzytim

    Rave Download

    This any good http://www.landroverresource.com/docs/D1_Workshop_Manual.pdf
  6. dizzytim

    iPad app. ?

    I use memory map app myself
  7. dizzytim

    Disco 200tdi Head

    Collection only from Stafford between junction 13/14 M6 or can deliver locally. Any questions please phone 07792979831 That's the details for you storm
  8. dizzytim

    Disco 200tdi Head

    There was a complete engine for sale in Stafford on Devon 4x4 a bit back for £150 if it helps :) http://www.devon4x4.com/index.php?option=com_kunena&view=category&catid=22&id=149470&Itemid=106
  9. dizzytim

    Getting cross-axled

    Winch / locking diffs / don't go on your own and have recovery points and a rope :)
  10. dizzytim

    Local Lanes ..

    It won't stay looking like that for long though lol, I've a bit of work to swap bits over :)
  11. dizzytim

    Local Lanes ..

    I'm having Brian ( maddogs ) off him Paul
  12. dizzytim

    Local Lanes ..

    Don't think so was knee deep in Yorkshire mud on the Saturday lol, was traveling back on the Sunday though :)
  13. dizzytim

    Local Lanes ..

    Sounds like you had fun guys, will be up your way next Sunday, picking up the replacement disco project ( sandrover 2 ) lol, mines just about had it now so time to start again :)
  14. dizzytim

    buildwas 4x4 pay and play

    Sorry cant make it as working the 6th, it's a small site but very slippy if it's been raining, also good luck if you venture into the woods lol, lots of sticky clay to clog everything up :)
  15. dizzytim

    buildwas 4x4 pay and play

    Thought buildwas had closed down? Is it open again
  16. dizzytim

    Mr Noisy's compound For Sale thread!

    Yes Sam I'll have the transfer box :)
  17. dizzytim

    300tdi cutting out

    Would defo go for lift pump first and check your leak off pipes as sounds like fuel starvation also sediment filter if it has one can cause problems
  18. dizzytim

    Shropshire lanes

    Great day today but didn't take any piccys :( never mind next time, some good lanes :)
  19. dizzytim

    Shropshire lanes

    Yep I'll be there :D
  20. dizzytim

    Shropshire lanes

    Yeh mark, I'll keep an eye on the gate width lol, and I'll get some pickies :) don't think I'll find a gate that narrow round Shropshire, well hope not lol