1. flookyk

    1999 2.5 BMW P38 Downpipe

    Mine is blowing at the flexi joint too, found it at it's MOT as an advisory. Don't forget, as it was registered before March 2001 it does not need a Type Approved cat fitted. The ones I was looking at were around £260 (Type Approved) but I found non Type Approved for around £160 but called...
  2. flookyk

    p38 2.5 dse auto grear box problems

    I may be wrong but wasn't the 24 the uprated one fitted to the 4.6, with the 22 fitted as standard to the Diesel and the 4.0 petrol?
  3. flookyk

    Yipeeee, it passed it's MOT yesterday.

    One thing I was impressed with was when the tester did the emissions test. With it being registered before 1999 he could have just done a visual check on the smoke, I believe, but he stuck the probe up one of the exhausts. The reading he got was so low it did not register properly on the...
  4. flookyk

    Recommended garages!

    Durham 4x4, very good to deal with, charge £45 +VAT per hour and if they can see an alternative cheaper way of fixing a problem they will let you know, even if it means them loosing the job to another place. A good example of this is the front flexi joint of my exhaust is blowing (advisory on...
  5. flookyk

    Yipeeee, it passed it's MOT yesterday.

    Put it in for it's MOT a month early as we are going on holiday beginning of next month ....... and it passed, just with a couple of advisories. Track rod end had a little bit of play, so replacing the full track rod next week as they are cheap enough. Exhaust was blowing slightly from the...
  6. flookyk

    Any turbo hose replacement tips?

    Now that is an idea ........ wish I had asked BEFORE doing the job now. :rolleyes:
  7. flookyk

    Any turbo hose replacement tips?

    I decided to replace the turbo hose on my DSE (the long one from the intercooler to the manifold), the old one was very pliable meaning it came off very easy. The new one was a lot stiffer and was a right bugger to put back on, especially at the manifold end and took quite a bit of effort...
  8. flookyk

    Harrogate Land Rover Show this weekend

    OMG, I thought I had opened the "Is this legal" thread by mistake there.:eek::eek:;)
  9. flookyk

    Harrogate Land Rover Show this weekend

    Mmmmm, sounds rather typical ..... at the first sign of trouble kicking off and where is the Lancs ...... shovelling hotpot into their gobs. ;)
  10. flookyk

    Is this legal?

    The police would look at it to see if it could be clearly read by a roadside camera without any of the letters/ numbers being obstructed by the ladder, towbar or anything else. It meant, on the Suzuki Grand Vitara XL7, I had a removable towbar fitted as a fixed one blocked the number plate...
  11. flookyk

    Harrogate Land Rover Show this weekend

    Looking at the forcast it looks like rain Saturday and sunny Sunday so may be there on the Sunday (so will probably rain Sunday now) ;) The only thing is it means heeding souf ..... I don't like the souf ....... they speek a funny lingo doon there.;)
  12. flookyk

    Fuel fixing price scandal breaking

    Hope you are not holding your breath on the reduction ....... and don't forget the majority of the price of petrol and diesel is tax ..... hell would have to freeze over before they reduce the taxes on it.
  13. flookyk

    price goes up every year why

    I was in shock when my renewal notice came, it had gone down from £44 per month to £37 per month. The only thing I can think of is they may be taking account of me being 50 in a couple of months.
  14. flookyk

    lured to the darkside

    Welcome from me too, like yourself, I came from 8 years of owning Suzuki Grand Vitara's, first 4 with an XL7 7 seater (wish I had kept that one) then 4 years of a 3 door GV1600 before coming to own a P38 DSE last year after the GV1600 decided to shear the dwell pin in the camshaft pulley...
  15. flookyk

    Emmotts of Colne

    One of the jobs lined up for the summer was to have a look at what needed doing to the lower tailgate as it has had an obvious repair attempt in the past on the bottom lip. Well on shutting it on Monday I found white powder coming off it and on closer inspection the inside lip on the bottom...
  16. flookyk

    Diesel Cold Starting

    Well the update on this ...... after a week of it taking ages to start first thing on the morning, yesterday the glow plugs were changed, the fuel leak off lines were changed and a replacement manifold gasket (previous owner had just used a sealant) ......... tried to start it this morning...
  17. flookyk

    Breakdown Cover

    Whoever you use, don't go to StartRescue, they may be cheap but the fun will begin if you ever need them, their call staff cannot read maps. I sued them for 12 months a couple of years ago and had the misfortune to have to call them out twice on one journey on the motorbike (rear puncture...
  18. flookyk

    Diesel Cold Starting

    The funny thing with it is, it can sit for 8 hours at work from 8am till 4pm and start no problem but if sat from 5pm till 7am at home the bugger is playing up. It seems it is every morning for the last 3 mornings now. Would it be worth changing the glow plug timer relay as well, or leave it...
  19. flookyk

    Diesel Cold Starting

    Fuel filter was replace a couple of months ago. Trying to plan to do one job a month on it and this next month was going to be a toss up between replacing the glow plugs or replacing the MAP sensor and it's hose ....... guess the glow plugs will be the first on the list, thanks for the advise.
  20. flookyk

    Diesel Cold Starting

    I am after some advice from the knowledgeable voices in the sky ....... ....... YES, I mean you lot.;) My 1998 P38 diesel has started having problems starting on a morning from cold, it was intermittant, happening once every couple of weeks or so but has happened both yestrerday and today...