1. DiscoLyle

    Defender wheels on 1995 300tdi?

    I know the PCD was the same but isn't there another issue wht they won't fit. I'm. Sure ive read somewhere that discover to defender or some other way round clash on something?
  2. DiscoLyle

    Defender wheels on 1995 300tdi?

    Will steel wheels such as these fit my 300tdi D1 or are they a different fitment ? Thanks https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F123985955108
  3. DiscoLyle

    radio wiring HELP

    I took it to the car audio place near me. I had all the wiring correct apart from one of speakers that was out of phase. He felt how hot it was and though it was normal for the heat sink to get pretty warm. It's not boiling but after about 5 seconds you would want to move your fingers away.
  4. DiscoLyle

    radio wiring HELP

    My car is a UK spec so I don't believe it has a amp. I have it wired Yellow ISO wire to purple Red ISO wire to light green and orange. I don't know why the stereo is getting hot any ideas?
  5. DiscoLyle

    radio wiring HELP

    Evening chaps im in the process of swapping my old pioneer CD changer Cd player to a different aftermarket one. has anybody followed the link posted above before ? http://www.modifiedlife.com/1995-land-rover-discovery-car-radio-wire-diagram/ i didn't know if the part where it says car radio...
  6. DiscoLyle

    Rear arch repair panel

    Nice one for the help guys. It's abit daunting taking the quarter panel of with it being a 3 door
  7. DiscoLyle

    Rear arch repair panel

    Could it not be repaired in the same way as this ?
  8. DiscoLyle

    Rear arch repair panel

    Cheers i might patch what I can for now and save up to have a body shop remove the quarter panel. It looks a scary job removing it!
  9. DiscoLyle

    Rear arch repair panel

    I'm hoping I can patch it from the outside, and sikiflex the seal back to it.
  10. DiscoLyle

    Rear arch repair panel

    Gutted. Is it not repairable from inside the car ?
  11. DiscoLyle

    Rear arch repair panel

    Is there a weld in repair panel to repair a discovery 1 3 door rear arch? I don't want to have to remove the quarter panel. See picture for location. It's where the arch meets the ali quarter panel. There the arches bonded to the skin of the quarter panel?? Help would be great appreciated...
  12. DiscoLyle

    Discovery 1 3 Door Build Tread

    Aye it's nice up there. I have worked up at faslane I was stopping in helensbrough.
  13. DiscoLyle

    Discovery 1 3 Door Build Tread

    I will give you a shout if I need anything mate where you base?
  14. DiscoLyle

    Discovery 1 3 Door Build Tread

    I will be using it as a second car and to cart my fishing stuff around. I want to get it back to a good standard and eventually add a few light off road mods. I might do a few pay and play days but stick to the mild trails. I don't have the technical knowledge to be breaking mechanical parts...
  15. DiscoLyle

    Discovery 1 3 Door Build Tread

    Diesel. I know the pain iv had a classic mini before starting to poke a small hole soon ends up a chasm haha.
  16. DiscoLyle

    Discovery 1 3 Door Build Tread

    Good evening I am now the proud owner off a 1995 3 door manual discovery 1. I have never had a landrover before but always really fancied one, so bit i the bullet and bought this for £2000. I don't know if that's a good price, I just really liked it. It's done 96k miles and the chassis is in...
  17. DiscoLyle

    1992 200tdi Discovery- gradually improving my daily driver

    Liking the cassette to bluetooth adapter that's me straight to eBay!
  18. DiscoLyle

    Please see video Play in front propshaft and clunk !

    Does this involve removing the transfe r case or gear box? Thanks