1. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Thanks again for the brilliant information this will enable me to move forward. I will have a go at the weekend as I need the car for work at the minute and my evenings will be spent welding up my van to enable this to be done. Once I've done the tests I will let you know the results. I...
  2. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    I'm still working through the above information but I thought I would give a quick update. I scanned the car before doing the master reset and got the following codes: P0500 Speed sensor malfunction C10100 lost communication with ECM/PCM C1A00 Control Module C1A93 Rear Right wheel speed sensor...
  3. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    You are indeed right. I checked in the garage were I keep the original plates and it is indeed a 2005 model. That's the problem with a private plate you can forget what year they are.( well I canal si have other projects on the go bit this is the everyday car. Thanks again for your replies and...
  4. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

  5. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Sorry I forgot to say that that the RRS is definitley a 2002 model and it doesn't have a sunroof so no problem with the leak issue in that location.
  6. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Thanks for all the info its really informative. I have to run the other half around tomorrow but once I've dropped her off I'll have a look starting with the earth posts. I've done the one on the drivers side but not the others. When I changed the battery I saw the modules and it looked like...
  7. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Is there a particular place it could be? I put the car under cover last night and the lights had gone, but came back this morning after about 20miles. In addition to this it now says the parking brake has a fault and the speedo has stopped working, but the rev counter and all other gauges are fine.
  8. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Unfortunately the lights have come back on the dash today. Could it be related to the wet weather? I replaced the battery as stated previously and the fault went away. The car is usually garaged but I left it out last night and this morning on the commute to work it appeared again. I have a...
  9. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    I removed the wheel and the inner arch to the right side if the car ( drivers side in the UK) and found the earth. it was clean but I undid the nut and rubbed the surfaces down and reinstaale don the lug. No difference. The head unit still shows on the display but there is no sound and the...
  10. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Ok thanks, I'll look tonight and post results
  11. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    All The fault suddenly disappeared after doing the master reset. The battery was however not up to it because if left for a couple of hours it would not start. I bought a new battery and things seem to have settled. I still cannot get the radio to have sound or the Level/ Maps display to come...
  12. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Battery voltage is 12.59/ 12.6 the car was only stood for about 20 mins so I will check it again in the morning Pics are attached. Let me know if this is any better Thanks again Gary
  13. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Ok thanks
  14. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    OK thanks for the info. I'll check the battery is it 12.6V standing or running?
  15. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Shown are the fault codes and the reader I used. The common fault is the DC module. Is this just because of the way the software works or will I need to try and get one? I checked the ABS sensors but I will check again. I haven't checked the battery voltage but I will do that. How does the...
  16. Mad McNiff

    Dash Lights 2002 L320

    Hi All I could do with some advise om the following The dash lights pictured came on the other day while i was driving. First the ABS comes on, then the Stability control light and then a message saying the suspension ride height is set to low. The suspension is fine and has not moved. I...
  17. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    All thanks for the info. Just an update I've ordered a new key and waiting to pick it up and this may solve the locking issue. I've not had time to sort the lights or the mirror.out yet as.busy trying to get my van back on the road . It's.now developed anissue with the nearside rear window. It...
  18. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    Do you know what I haven't checked!!!! But I will do
  19. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    Yes thats what I thought. Ill try a second meter and see what comes out.
  20. Mad McNiff

    Sport New Owner. Many Questions

    I did a test on the battery after leaving it overnight and the reading was 13.1V I think I need to try a second multimeter to to see if they are the same and its not the meter thats faulty. I will have a look in the sill at the weekend to look at the condition of the wiring. It does have a bit...