1. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Any L-series owners near me (south east England)?

    Been looking for an L Series in South East England for a while now, been trying to scoop one up as soon as I see it but really not found anything!
  2. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Clutch replacement

    That plate is the WORST! You're not doing anything wrong it caused me to have to take the gearbox out thrice before I finally got it, because otherwise you will either crack the bell housing when bolting it up or you won't have a clutch, I couldn't agree more the gearbox is a pain in the ass...
  3. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Driver Door does not unlock with Fob

    Haha! Just completely blanked it :p Do I need to do anything with the key or will it just work?
  4. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Driver Door does not unlock with Fob

    Hey all! I have been reading across some forums where people are having issues with doors not unlocking / locking with the Fob. Since I got my 1.8 F1 the Driver door has never unlocked with the fob but it does lock, I always thought that this was just how it was and didn't give it a second...
  5. xDParis64

    Brake Shield and MOT

    My Front nearside was destroyed still partly on but mostly ripped off, passed MOT, not even an advisory 😂
  6. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Houston we have a problem!!!!

    Which tensioner? I have recently been doing my tensioners depending on what belt you mean and what model of Freelander you have it changes. There is the cambelt pulley tensioner of which the bolt is recommended to be replaced when undone anyway so may as well send it home if it is stuck 😂...
  7. xDParis64

    LED side lights not working

    Yes this! I Broke so many LED Sidelights before I found out what was killing them, granted it was not on my Freelander but LED's are LED's
  8. xDParis64

    L Series Injection Mods

    How are the gas bonnet struts? I have been looking at those for a long while now and really tempted to get them. Do they hold the bonnet nicely without drooping or bending? I got a cheap £35 pair for my Daily Nissan and they were completely Dog S***e
  9. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    My thought was as i can't see the splines on the Gear box I'm thinking of getting an endoscope then looking through the starter hole to align it correctly. Thoughts?
  10. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Used a clutch alignment tool to get the clutch plate aligned with the pressure plate and bought oem parts so they should fit? I guess more shoving is needed haha!
  11. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    So we got this going, Engine was removed and we started the conversion on the replacement engine. For anyone wondering there are a few things for a wasted spark to distributor conversion and I'll probably make a separate thread with a lot more detail but the distributor valve cover MUST be...
  12. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Clutch replacement

    Nice Job, doing mine today, Your Sunday night to Monday morning? Me personally would get a s*** load of brake clean a wire brush / sponge and go to town on the engine around the gbox mounting, looks like but hey, like it to be shiny 😂
  13. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Clutch replacement

    Let me know how the clutch goes, doing my one tomorrow!
  14. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Clutch replacement

    This. As long as you are replacing the ball joint these take 'em out in mere seconds. Hammer it in. Hammer it down. Done.
  15. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 K-series 1.8 Fly wheel

    Hey Yes it is, it goes on the clutch fork with some moly grease on the contact points, once the gearbox is out it takes about 5 mins to replace assuming this is a manual gearbox of course. Check the gearbox splines for play (up and down, side to side) if it wobbles, welcome to new gearbox town 😂
  16. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 K-series 1.8 Fly wheel

    If you're removing the driveshafts I'd replace the c clips on those but you're right the ird main seal needs to be done and personally while you're there is do the throwout bearing and clutch fork they don't fail often but they are cheap to replace so might as well while you are there.
  17. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Hey! You'll be glad to know I got a clutch anyway 😂 managed to get a kit on clearance for £75 which is bearable so that should work. Thanks! Will use the crank pulley I got as a spare I am under the impression they rust out quite often? or at least that is what DMGRS tell me? Edit: I believe...
  18. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Problem is I don't have an impact strong enough to get it off out of the engine and those cost £200 upwards or about £60 to rent one which I don't even get to keep it. Just with the tools I have at the moment it makes the most sense
  19. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    I have ordered some more parts for the engine they aren't in the picture but new spark plugs have already arrived, is there anything else I can should renew while I am there? I would do the clutch but with everything I don't have another £100 for the kit from DMGRS But ultimately I don't want...
  20. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Hey I think it can but the part the rotor arm sits on I believe is press fit in so it would be a right pain to get out of the current cam especially now its out of the carrier