1. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Yeah I checked the brake discs first but that side I ripped it off almost 6 month ago haha! Will be removing the driveshaft by the sounds of it and just having a look, it did come up on the mot a while ago but we shall see, it's weird I was test driving it took off on a round about felt like...
  2. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Went into more detail on my dedicated post :) but that is my thought
  3. xDParis64

    HELP PLEASE. Rear Loading bay window

    Just speaking from experience but I believe the TD4 and the 1.8 have slightly different glass as I swapped my scratched 1.8 glass with the TD4 and have the same issue even with adjustments I cannot get it to line up, I just press it into fit and leave it like that until I can be bothered to fix...
  4. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Finally got it all back together and on her first drive there were some noises most fixed by a simple loose bolt but one in particular which is a very loud grinding from the front. Upon inspection the exhaust was grinding on the prop where it attaches to the IRD, we couldn't figure out why so...
  5. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 fault code P0130.

    Literally just got the pictures! In-between all the headers on the exhaust Kinda hard to see but it is the cable in there (I am looking from on top with no heatsheild) keeping in mind this is a pre2001 FL1
  6. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Finally got the gearbox back in tye FL1 after the engine replacement but after testing it drives fine but there is a grinding noise (FWD) only and a click from the left wheel when spinning with my hands so I guess that's next :mad:
  7. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Clutch replacement

    I'll be working on mine later will have a look for you
  8. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    Oh okay! I was afraid to lift the clutch with the fronts in the air for more than a second 😂 I will see how it goes on the weekend anyway but appreciate the help!
  9. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    So upon my other thread getting it started, I may have just forgotten how the clutch feels as haven't driven her in 5 or 6 months but the clutch pedal now it is all back together feels very.... Smooth, It's weird to say I know as that means it's good, but I never changed the fluid. I know the...
  10. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Clutch replacement

    Yeah this happens to mine almost everytime, I just push it back in while having the clutch fork pushed all the way forward (into the gearbox) then with some grit it finally goes in and then just press the clutch pedal a few time and it'll be okay. If you pressed it while it was out the worst...
  11. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Driver Door does not unlock with Fob

    Not on a budget but I do like doing that, I did it for the rear door not opening, what motor did you get?
  12. xDParis64

    Brake Fluid

    I normally buy my brake fluid in 4L bottles, it is wayyyy to much but much cheaper than getting 1L bottles then running out halfway through, you never know how much dirt or air is in there so I would honestly recommend just getting too much then being able to use it again in the future, store it...
  13. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 fault code P0130.

    In that case it should be similar to my 1.8, I will be working on the headers this weekend, I can grab some pics for you if you like?
  14. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 fault code P0130.

    I think this may help: https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/lambda-sensor-plug-location.281149/ sounds like you need to access it from the centre console.
  15. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 fault code P0130.

    Ah there you are then :p I still think Rust is going to be your main gripe, if you have a blowtorch, minding the wires, put it to use, great for rusty bolts and nuts
  16. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 fault code P0130.

    Looks like this is for the 2005 1.8, it should not be hugely hard I believe it is located on the exhaust manifold headers and the issue will be that it is rusted in. Good luck! I am sure someone will be able to provide more accurate details with pictures.
  17. xDParis64

    Freelander 1 Converting from wasted spark to distributor (or Visa Versa)

    I am putting this here in the event that either anyone here needs this or I do in the future after my most recent engine replacement as most engines available now are the wasted spark model (Coil Packs) instead of the older distributor model some key differences and I could NOT find a guide on...
  18. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    A question if anyone can answer I need to replace the washers on the Gearbox and IRD however I cannot find any part numbers for this anywhere! not reliably anyway, they all say sump washer but the gearbox and IRD are leaking since last replacement as I couldn't find washers back then either...
  19. xDParis64

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Replaced the engine > https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/hello-again.394498/page-2#post-5749032
  20. xDParis64

    Hello Again! (SOLVED, Engine replacement)

    She's Back! This is going to be a big post.... 😅 > This is when the engine was running and no longer pi**ing oil everywhere. We finally got 'er running again, she initially had a slight misfire but my buddy placed HT leads 3 and 4 in the wrong places once that was sorted she ran smoooooth...