1. zen

    Just bought a new classic project

    re 928..one ugly fecker though!..unlike classic rr..lol
  2. zen

    Another Classic being brought back

    but its got overfinch scuttle panel air vents..only they use them ..prehaps one should check its history??
  3. zen

    LPG Gas Conversion - Help please

    change your insurance company or dont tell them untill you got cert..ie dont use the gas if worried..if tank empty then you not doing nought wrong..no gas carried no risk.. mine dont give a ****..no cert required, it aint a legal requirement yet. oh lpg database is not worth a ****..ie got...
  4. zen

    Another Classic being brought back

    and if thats your drveway(and boat etc) then we live in different worlds!
  5. zen

    Another Classic being brought back

  6. zen

    Replacement V8

    tvr wrong cam.. expect £1000+++
  7. zen

    Compression data for a 3.5 V8 1986 EFI?

    needs a beer fridge!! though my her indoors sugested i build mine in front room!!
  8. zen

    Lz 11

    though this time we bring MOREEEEEEE beer!!!much more!! cos 3.5efi needs some!lol though you did woss out and leave before we passed out!!
  9. zen

    what a unct!

    yes it is true, but however first starter in 16 yrs...
  10. zen

    Compression data for a 3.5 V8 1986 EFI?

    yes..clean it first..rebuild it in warm enviroment..front room in front of telly prefered.. use good parts and plenty of oil..replace cam, lifters and timing chain..set up cam preload. paint it so looks good..
  11. zen

    what a unct!

    thats the toyota/lexus powered one...12hrs to change starter excluding gearbox/transfer box removal/install!!
  12. zen

    Compression data for a 3.5 V8 1986 EFI?

    LR readings will depend upon CR of engine.. 175 is typical of a good un..but varying cr on cylinders could just be down to cam too
  13. zen

    V8 classic - which coolant?

    as above, but red will find any weak spots!..you got any dodgy gaskets, pipes, etc it will find its way out.. however its what i use..50/50 mix...the inside of engine (water ways ) look as new.. nasty **** though, dont get it down your throat or in cuts etc..
  14. zen

    well its out and now in!!

    same...i expect my maps would be fine in zf22..
  15. zen

    what a unct!

    starter needed replacing..bere in mind the bits not there include lpg, lower and upper manifolds ..supercharger etc... oh and the gearbox etc needed to be removed to get to starter bolts as they go in from behind block...oh joy!
  16. zen

    well its out and now in!!

    the controller i am using will control anything as long as you have its specs.
  17. zen

    What are acceptable wear limits in power train

    its an r type..cant remember. long time since stripped one down, can one adjust with transferbox in situ..?? and so then, fiddly yes, but center diff is doeable in situ?
  18. zen

    autobox info required..James??

    tweeking the autobox ecu settings.. 1ST does anyone have line pressure readings/figures for pressure solenoid for various speed/load/..ie a map?? i guess not?? so ..second best..so ii can work out what i think it should be... if you are booting it in sport mode how smooth/quick/severe are...
  19. zen

    Range Rover Auto gearbox problem

    stab in the dark, (but since you just rebuilt) gearbox ecu needs to see, load, tps,vehicle speed, engine speed etc from engine ecu..check you have good connection on plug/socket (connecting gearbox to engine loom)behind engine..other than that over to james..
  20. zen

    Radius arm rear nut (what thread??)

    age of rangie.?..ie does it have narrow or wide front radius arms, cos they are different...and m16 unf dont exist...m16 is metric, unf is imperial. narrow arms are imperial, as are bolts, so i assume so are rears (trailng)..