1. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    We might need to migrate to What Grinds Your Gears if we get onto Greta for real :D I feel sorry for her, she's clearly been manipulated because she doesn't seem to be all there.
  2. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Greta won't be your friend, but at least your engine won't eat itself!
  3. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Drove Red Rover 100 miles to pick up a replacement rear bumper for Brown Rover, and 100 miles back. The new belt on the alternator has stretched a little so it needs tightening up now, but that's a job for a day where I've not spent 5 hours driving it!
  4. jwrrc

    Classic RR Classic - 3.9 V8 Mechanical pre purchase checks

    Good decision to walk away if you had doubts. Buy sensibly and you won't fall out of love after a short period of owning one!
  5. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I've done that, in a taxi, but we were on our side. To be fair, that does look like a Land Rover approved technique :D
  6. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Surprised @LOGS_IN_BOGS hasn't tried driving his disco through there! ;):D
  7. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I hear they're much cheaper and more reliable to run :D Nothing is horribly over engineered on 'em either!
  8. jwrrc

    New Arrival..seeking help and advice.

    Welcome to Landyzone, you might have more luck posting in the Freelander section of the site, here: https://www.landyzone.co.uk/forum/land-rover-freelander.9/
  9. jwrrc

    New Member

    Welcome to Landyzone, you'll find lots of helpful folk on the Freelander section when you need them. Almost as many as the people in every other section taking the pee out of Freelanders ;)
  10. jwrrc

    Classic Heater O-rings 1995 Soft Dash

    I'm glad you've found an answer Western, I'm afraid I could be no help. Hope your treatment is going well and this turns out to be a relatively easy fix!
  11. jwrrc

    Classic RRC 200tdi - good price?

    Did you go for it? Personally, as the owner of a 200TDI RRC and a V8, I think it's well worth it. It might not sound as nice as the V8, but it's a hell of a lot more reliable and I get somewhere between 30-40mpg (UK) out of it with a mix of use. It's my daily driver, which I wouldn't do with...
  12. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Ahh, a whoosh moment for me there! Thankfully I contend with slightly less temprementality with Brownie ;)
  13. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    It's a 1982 Russet Brown 4 door... it has a slightly turdy note to the paint, but no gold. Quite a bit of oxide rouge (or rust, as less diplomatic people might say)
  14. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Today I've taken the grill and headlight surrounds off so they can be painted, should smarten Brown Rover up a bit!
  15. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Today I drove Red Rover to where Brown Rover is parked up, then took Brown out for a little drive. Both started first try and ran beautifully. Touch wood I haven't cursed either of them by saying that!
  16. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I was bloody awful at drill, but I do think joining up was the best thing I did. Or maybe it's a close second to leaving :D Far better than my pointless degree!
  17. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    A few years national service would take care of that!
  18. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I'd like to. It might set them straight about a few things, like what hard work looks like! We might have less focus on pronouns and more on things that matter too. (Never been down a pit, but my uncle did after he left the RM Commandos, and I'm glad it wasn't something I had to do)
  19. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Or bring some of the old Coal ones back online ;):D
  20. jwrrc

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Volvo released some interesting data that did a like for like comparison of a brand new ICE and EV vehicle. Same model, same production lines, mostly the same suppliers. The EV needs to do 90k miles before the day to day running starts being greener than the ICE. And that's with all the...