1. Marshall8hp

    4l to 4.6 gearbox question

    As you are going to convert their 4.0 into a 4.6, it is still going to drop back in without any gearbox mods. The 4.0 used a 4HP22 and the 4.6 a 4HP24. The only difference is the 24 is designed to take a higher torque load than the 22. However, you would have to be doing a lot of towing or heavy...
  2. Marshall8hp

    P38A Blower Motor in Stop Mode

    The is, the identical part.
  3. Marshall8hp

    P38A Blower Motor in Stop Mode

    ..... and if it is the motor, strip it and give it a good clean. You might want to grab one of these as well and fit for good measure seeings as they are cheap. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/153186756109
  4. Marshall8hp

    P38 2.5DSE 1996/97 Washer pumps

    Hose dripping at the pump? Get a small zip (cable) tie and put it around the end and cinch it up tight. That will stop your drip. Rear window washer is DMC10023. Something else to check is that the one way valve isn't clogged. For the rear window it is under the LHS rear load space cover...
  5. Marshall8hp

    P38A Thor engine RPM

    Can someone explain to me the difference between engine revs and crank revs? I thought engine revs was the number of times the engine crankshaft went around in a minute. So what is/are "crank revs"?
  6. Marshall8hp

    P38A Coolant sensor position.

    I thought a set would look good on my truck, but the more I look at it, the more I think that the yellow ones look better.
  7. Marshall8hp

    P38 v8 Petrol Overheating

    A slipped liner will usually give you a constant tap tap tap at engine speed. Liners usually slip when the block cracks through a water passage behind a liner, allowing coolant to come in contact with the liner, lubricating it and allowing it to slip. Following that, you end up with coolant...
  8. Marshall8hp

    P38A Thor engine RPM

    I must admit, I'm confused. Target Revs? What are you referring to? You say the car runs OK, and the tacho reports the right revs. What are you looking to do? @oakey what do you mean by crank revs for one crank and not crankshaft revs?
  9. Marshall8hp

    P38A Coolant sensor position.

    Thor uses a single sensor for ECU input and the dash gauge. MEK100160.
  10. Marshall8hp

    P38A Heater pipe

    Yep, that goes to the vent in the under dash panel above your shins. The flexible end hooks up to the duct work for the vent at the end of the dash.
  11. Marshall8hp

    Classic Automatic gearbox 1991

    Make sure you use Dextron III oil or compatible. Later spec oil isn’t necessarily better.
  12. Marshall8hp

    Classic Automatic gearbox 1991

    Don't add more oil to the box, 6.5l is about right. The rest is in the torque convertor, oil cooler and pipes. Get a couple of transmission pipe O rings before you start. Use a flare nut spanner if you have one the right size. Take off the pipe running from the transmission to the cooler, put...
  13. Marshall8hp

    P38 2.5DSE 1996/97 Washer pumps

    Depending on the state of your car, and how much jewellery you have hanging on the front, I found taking off the bumper made the job very easy to do.
  14. Marshall8hp

    P38A ECU readers

    Do yourself a favour and get a Nanocom, it will read all of the P38 systems, whereas generic code readers won’t.
  15. Marshall8hp

    P38A gems p38 dying at traffic lights

    This little beastie here, marked 2 and 3.
  16. Marshall8hp

    P38A gems p38 dying at traffic lights

    I think I'd look at the IACV to start with then, pull it off and clean it, see if that helps.
  17. Marshall8hp

    P38A gems p38 dying at traffic lights

    So engine cuts out when hot, needs to cool down to re-start? Usually a sign of a failing CPS. Have you checked the fuel pressure? 38 psi static, and bumping up to over 40 when you give the engine a rev? If you don’t see these sort of numbers, might be a fuel pump on the way out, or the FPR...
  18. Marshall8hp

    P38A Electrickery,pain in the RRR's

    You expect a spark when you connect up the battery again. It is normal. If you don’t get one, then start to worry. There should be no current going to the starter unless you are starting the car. None at all, so there is an issue here. The BeCM goes to sleep in exactly 2 minutes after locking...
  19. Marshall8hp

    Can you work this out?

    Most fuel issues are spark related in the end. I’d look to replacing the ignition amplifier module and the coil for known good ones and see if that helps.
  20. Marshall8hp

    How easy or hard is it to work on these things

    @oakey What do you mean by sensitive and undrivable? I only ask as I have no experience with these bushes at all.