1. defender11069

    West Yorkshire massive

    As everyone got at least one contact number for Friday just in case of any problems..:
  2. defender11069

    Cakey goodness and Raffle prizes!

    The wife would like that..:)
  3. defender11069

    West Yorkshire massive

    Size is'nt everything....:hysterically_laughi
  4. defender11069

    Lz11 latest....

  5. defender11069

    West Yorkshire massive

    And nothing to do with the look on peoples face's as they drive past..:screaming_bug_eye_f:jaw:..
  6. defender11069

    Lz11 latest....

    There's nothing worse than Warm beer..:beer2: .
  7. defender11069

    My Defender 90 rebuild

    I was wandering were you been hiding..:D Looking well smart mate..
  8. defender11069

    West Yorkshire massive

    No problem Neil be doing a steady 50/60mph :) If we're lucky..:D
  9. defender11069

    West Yorkshire massive

    You probably be catching us up Paul..:) Steady away...:D
  10. defender11069

    West Yorkshire massive

    Convoy list put your name on so we know who's going..:) 1, Mr cool..:cool:
  11. defender11069


    my last baby leading as always..
  12. defender11069

    Scrap or not to scrap?

    cut and plate already done mine there well known for it..
  13. defender11069


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDZnfk6a7wY had to part with this one broke my heart...
  14. defender11069

    Scrap or not to scrap?

    No 1. most do that "if theres no oil leaks on your drive" then you don't own a landy No 2 new hub £40/50 takes les than a hour to do "even for a numpty" No 3 " we call that surface rust" always cover every thing in black /paint /grease oil pigeon ****.. any think that darker than rust.. No 4...
  15. defender11069

    Who wants to go laning?

    good man...:cool:
  16. defender11069

    Who wants to go laning?

    dont miss out theres some very good lanes down there ;)
  17. defender11069

    Scrap or not to scrap?

    that sounds better than most D2 KEEP IT KEEP IT eazy fix
  18. defender11069

    Hello from Bulgaria

    :welcome2:to the mad house
  19. defender11069

    Attention please!

    you be back in the HEAP at next year....:cool: