1. Lislandy

    Central locking?

    That was not it! It's been playing up again for the last week?! It's driving me nuts, I look like like I have OCD when I have parked!! lol :rolleyes:
  2. Lislandy

    Happy Paddys Day to ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    .....Sláinte!.....Lá Fhéile Pádraig!
  3. Lislandy

    Central locking?

    I knew I should of posted earlier! lol It has been like this for weeks now, been really worried parking in busy places, always have to manually lock that door. After realising one child was always getting in, before I unlocked!!! Went out now to check......now it's bloody working fine! How...
  4. Lislandy

    Central locking?

    I am moving away from the Pole!! lol My central locking is buggered?! It all locks, except one back door, why? and is it easy to fix? Never had this with any other vehicle. and no I still have not done my spots yet?! :( work,work,work & more work!! but I will, when/if I ever get holidays...
  5. Lislandy

    Land Rover Stock Photos

    Thanks for that Fanatic :) (still not many classic pics though)
  6. Lislandy

    Land Rover Stock Photos

    I have it beside me!! Copyrights!! :rolleyes: You can't just use any old pictures in this day and age, wish you could, would make my life a lot easier! You get fined a fortune if you use unauthorised pics. Like I said earlier, have already bought 10 pics of Landys @ £5.00 a shot! and those...
  7. Lislandy

    Land Rover Stock Photos

    Had to go without in the end! Tell you what, it would be a good sideline for anyone that has access to all types of Landy's, a good camera, and permission of course. Then selling the pictures to Stock Photo companies, there is a serious lack of Land Rover pics out there.
  8. Lislandy

    Land Rover Stock Photos

    Anyone know anywhere with a good stock of Land Rover pics for sale? Desperate for a Range Rover Classic shot, have been on all the well known, Fotolia, Getty, Shutterstock, istockphoto etc........ (don't know anyone around here with one either!) Also need good shot of a double cab...
  9. Lislandy


    Thanks for that. I had looked at warehouse, just worried about the weight. I think I will just try and make a light weight base, and go from there. Maybe I can put something on the base, rather than fix to the rack. Not as exciting as I would like!! lol.....Sigma 500mm Mainly for wildlife...
  10. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    Yey.....got him on a forum!! lol.....signed him up on the Series 2 Club, should keep him busy!
  11. Lislandy


    Any photographers on here? I am trying to find, some sort of clamp/adaption for my Manfrotto, to be attached to my roof rack. Don't want to have to buy another tripod, which I know are available. Got a very large lens I want to use up there! Also trying to source a very light...
  12. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    Cheers Landybird! As for my back, I might need to push for better seating! lol.....and avoid potholes! (which would be impossible under current welsh council policies!) Saying that my 110 has made all the difference to my back/leg issues (my back issues are not the usual scenario) it is the...
  13. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    I didn't want to get to pornographic! lol.....it's an original.....wanted to keep his modesty!
  14. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    I am going to have to get him signed up!.....(except him & computers, don't compute lol) It's a bit different to me Puma! :eek:
  15. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    This is why we are awaiting the launch of the new website!! lol 20 years old that website! Does that make it vintage??.....could I sell it?! I now have to go and photograph an engine!.....what have you lot got me into! BTW it's hitting the pit later!
  16. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    Have a looky on our FB, as we are waiting for our new website to go live, as the old one is slightly ageing! LaSalle Trim | Facebook
  17. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    Interior trim.....I have told him, we can just take sections?! The series came with another roof, so perfect, you would think! Apparently not.....that, just won't be good enough?!!!!!!!! lol :crazy (he has not thought about how many drivers we will need? lol)
  18. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    Petrol.....if you think I'm getting down & dirty with me bad back, think again!!! lol I will get the other half to take some piccys, technically, it is his toy, although bought for the company! Like I said.....we are going to do it up, and use at shows. I thinks this will be the first of many...
  19. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    Hey Medusa, thanks for that, not used photobucket in years, restored my account, so here goes!!
  20. Lislandy

    Found one at Last!

    Woohoo! Eventually found a Series! Hoping to use this as a demo at shows etc....needs a bit of TLC.....going to be asking serious questions now! Watch out! lol Can't load the pics though :( on album or gallery?