1. P38 Monkey

    P38A 4.6 V8 won't pull, sluggish, otherwise runs fine.

    For our information, exactly what does the cam break-in procedure involve..?? What is the actual procedure?
  2. P38 Monkey


    Just to add: an investment class vehicle needs to be old. A Defender by definition is not old (yet).. Save up and buy yourself a Series 1 Land Rover. Buy it in England.
  3. P38 Monkey


    Defender as investment? Nah. Series landy maybe. Classic Range Rover definitely. These things are only worth as much as someone will pay for them. Muppet buys one, keeps it for some time, sells it to another muppet at a profit. Hey, that’s an investment.
  4. P38 Monkey

    P38A 4.6 V8 won't pull, sluggish, otherwise runs fine.

    Exactly so. That is definitely a Landyzone interpretation of Bertrand Russell's "Cretan liar paradox" solution of evidence analysis.
  5. P38 Monkey

    P38A 4.6 V8 won't pull, sluggish, otherwise runs fine.

    Check colour of spark plugs…?
  6. P38 Monkey

    P38A 4.6 V8 won't pull, sluggish, otherwise runs fine.

    At the risk of winding you up, which is absolutely not my intention, at this stage perhaps you should step back and formalise your fault diagnosis. Bertrand Russell's concept of meta-level works for this - or "the helicopter view" to use a dumbed-down term for it. Occam's razor is also...
  7. P38 Monkey

    P38A 4.6 V8 won't pull, sluggish, otherwise runs fine.

    Did you sort out that low voltage issue? From what you say, the battery voltage is OK, but presumably there is a dodgy connector? I have to confess particular interest in this thread as my P38 is in V8 Developments right now....
  8. P38 Monkey


    Time, as well as (or more than!) money.
  9. P38 Monkey


    Well, you need a Defender, to go to Waitrose through flooded roads obviously.
  10. P38 Monkey


    Such a shame - I shudder to think how I would manage to run my P38 without the experience and advice of the denizens of this auspicious forum. Anyway, we are all still here, the sun is shining and my P38 is being consensually super-fettled at V8 Developments.
  11. P38 Monkey


    Non-consensual banter requires a degree of personal humility which is clearly not a major feature of TMort's character. In my view, owning a Land Rover is a bit like marriage: as my wife says "It's a combination of selection and training" although I am not sure what she means by that...
  12. P38 Monkey


    This is Gary Lineker's evil twin, right?
  13. P38 Monkey


    You should read them carefully - these guys are very knowledgeable. Obviously you were looking for responses that would back up your decision, and clearly you don't like to be told things that don't align with that. If you are mechanically savvy, have time and equipment, and ask questions on...
  14. P38 Monkey


    Step away from the Landy.
  15. P38 Monkey

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Could a previous owner have disabled it? I think that is quite common.
  16. P38 Monkey

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    As long as Max Verstappen keeps getting out of your way, you should be fine.
  17. P38 Monkey

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Just to add that the delivery worked perfectly The guy was good and early, good trailer, reasonable price, what's not to like...! He covers the North of England, Midlands, East Anglia. If anyone wants his details, please message me.
  18. P38 Monkey

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    VW Touareg. I did check beforehand. He is a professional car mover, based in Leek, Staffs. Strong German tilting trailer. All proper.
  19. P38 Monkey

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    P38 off to V8 Developments with leaky head gasket(s) and/or dislodged liner(s). Exhaust gas in the cooling system.
  20. P38 Monkey

    Whine from engine bay

    Just keep the revs above 2k then.