I have deemed your responses essentially worthless. Or maybe I just stumbled upon the wrong forum. Lol Have a nice day! 🤙☺️
You should read them carefully - these guys are very knowledgeable.
Obviously you were looking for responses that would back up your decision, and clearly you don't like to be told things that don't align with that.
If you are mechanically savvy, have time and equipment, and ask questions on this forum as you progress, you will be OK.
Otherwise you will repent at leisure.
It does, they are bloody terrible cars.
Good point. They are a tool effectively - ideal in the country for wet dogs, green lane, dings and dents, hobbyists mechanics stuff and the insane + the Tarquinius set who use their 90s to pop to Waitrose when’s it’s wet. Why I have one God only knows, and the fact I have a P38 suggests I should be on lithium.
Unless I’ve missed something, I’m not seeing anything that would trigger such a dramatic reaction unless he really thought we’d all say but a defender as they’re a great investment and didn’t like being told the honest truth…
Unless I’ve missed something, I’m not seeing anything that would trigger such a dramatic reaction unless he really thought we’d all say but a defender as they’re a great investment and didn’t like being told the honest truth…
Non-consensual banter requires a degree of personal humility which is clearly not a major feature of TMort's character.
In my view, owning a Land Rover is a bit like marriage: as my wife says "It's a combination of selection and training" although I am not sure what she means by that...
Non-consensual banter requires a degree of personal humility which is clearly not a major feature of TMort's character.
In my view, owning a Land Rover is a bit like marriage: as my wife says "It's a combination of selection and training" although I am not sure what she means by that...
Old cattle breeder's saying, which ignores the fact that a bullock is much easier to train than a woman.
Unless I’ve missed something, I’m not seeing anything that would trigger such a dramatic reaction unless he really thought we’d all say but a defender as they’re a great investment and didn’t like being told the honest truth…
I think that is it in a nutshell, from what I see of the yanks, they live whatever they do, guns/jeeps/trucks, their whole life revolves around that one thing and they wont hear a bad thing said about it.
Cannot be many UK defender owners who have not noticed the prices stalling/faling over the last couple of years.
Such a shame - I shudder to think how I would manage to run my P38 without the experience and advice of the denizens of this auspicious forum.
Anyway, we are all still here, the sun is shining and my P38 is being consensually super-fettled at V8 Developments.
Psising down here!
Been in the SW fer a week, cannot berleeve how many Defenders I saw, every single one shiny and perfect. Gawd knows how much has been spent on them.
I think that is it in a nutshell, from what I see of the yanks, they live whatever they do, guns/jeeps/trucks, their whole life revolves around that one thing and they wont hear a bad thing said about it.
Cannot be many UK defender owners who have not noticed the prices stalling/faling over the last couple of years.
To be fair, once I let everything you said sink in I realized what you were really saying. Yes, I jumped the gun. Thats on me and my bad. The British humor blindsided me a bit I guess.

Yes I know these Defenders drive like horse ****, I know they are horribly uncomfortable, rattle and leak in places one could only wonder why. But that wasnt my question; my question was…are they a good investment?

But then I realized, this is not the forum to ask that as you all can get a defender for dirt cheap in the motherland. For some unknown reason these things command a massive amount of $ in the U.S. so I should be asking this in a U.S. based forum.

What I really didn’t appreciate is you taking my quote and completely changing it and making it false AND political (ya the one with all that stuff about Trump). So you dont like Trump. Got it. Well guess what pal? Get in line. As they say here in Germany…tschüss. 🤙
Defender as investment? Nah.
Series landy maybe.
Classic Range Rover definitely.
These things are only worth as much as someone will pay for them.
Muppet buys one, keeps it for some time, sells it to another muppet at a profit. Hey, that’s an investment.
Just to add: an investment class vehicle needs to be old.
A Defender by definition is not old (yet)..
Save up and buy yourself a Series 1 Land Rover. Buy it in England.
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