1. Madmustang

    Leaking fuel from near injectors!

    This happens to a lot of us and as Artic2 has posted a link to the kit that solves that issue I can tell you it's easy to fit yourself in about 20 mins
  2. Madmustang

    brake issues

    Don't listen to me I know nothing :rolleyes:
  3. Madmustang

    brake issues

    I think anything after 2003 had pads on the rears what year/engine is yours?
  4. Madmustang

    brake issues

    I had stuck/bent calipa pins when one of the brackets warped so get them stripped and looked at
  5. Madmustang

    brake issues

    How is the fluid level? When was the last time they were serviced or pads replaced?
  6. Madmustang

    ABS Reluctor Ring - Solved

    Yes I do hate it
  7. Madmustang

    Freelander 1 Rear door open or shut? Who knows...

    Keep us updated on the alarm, I have had a problem with it and I have just about got to the bottom of it and want to do a thread about it when I am done
  8. Madmustang

    How to recondition a VCU yourself.

    lol I used to work for him
  9. Madmustang

    How to recondition a VCU yourself.

    I agree, we didn't almost invent everything in the world and then make it bettera by not fiddling around in that great British Institution we call "The Shed"
  10. Madmustang

    What is high mileage for a TD4?

    2001 TD4 180,000 new ird and vcu as I bought it from somebody that left changing the vcu too late and I didn't know about that issue when I bought the car
  11. Madmustang

    Tests new Freelander 1 owners should do on their car

    Can you start a new thread please
  12. Madmustang

    VCU Torque test results

    The answer is you need to buy a car that your country and fix on the cheap not have some expensive import ;)
  13. Madmustang

    power loss

    Does it happen all the time? When was the fuel filter and pump last changed?
  14. Madmustang

    Still not done it, yet!

    I will buy the lot from you for a tenner :D
  15. Madmustang

    Freelander 1 Rotary heater control actuation interface devices going milky can anyone help?

    Take them off by pulling on them really hard, then with some fine wet and dry rub the smeg off with plenty of elbow grease
  16. Madmustang

    Unknown Threaded Hole

    The photos have not uploaded
  17. Madmustang

    Diesel fuel heater

    Have you check the connector on the pump it's self?