1. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gid moanin, anna nappi Satdi Eyes bin awokeded sins fife ot klok, bert me puter as jest wokeded urp! Eye ate orl vis lektronikerylektrikery sturff!! Snor reignin ear ant sons art hannits kwite warrum fert thyme uf dai. Mitebi spannerin layter hon, riplasin ha trak roddi hend, bert honeli iffy...
  2. Oldseadog

    Tyre pressures

    28 front 32 rear
  3. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Yooziz biginnin ter lernt langwidge :D:D
  4. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gid moanin ter orl me favrit peeples handa Nippo Eyes bin awokeded sins harpist fower hand snot reignin whore blewina hoolie ear, swit cud beer gud weak hend. Hazzitz Frydi, eye hoops yerz avva guddun follerd bye chish hand fips fer yer tees. Worr heiffer yerzizadoinzof turdi, high wont yerzorl...
  5. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Sorl rite fur sum ...
  6. Oldseadog

    How can I find my vehicle number

    IIRC in the 90's for a while LR stopped designating sequential serial numbers for each of the marques, and issued them in random order between 90's, 110's, Disco's and Rangies, which screwed up people trying to find which number came in which order from which production line. Sorry if this...
  7. Oldseadog

    dry balls.

  8. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gid moanin me fiends hand roamins wot has givved me vere heers. Sraynin nar hand asbin orl nite. Spost ter bea persisistin darn orl dai anorl, wiv lodesa milieeters ovvit cummin turdi! Avva nappi Fursfi hand staigh saife.
  9. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Snot reignin ear, burt termorrerziz sposeterbi knot bard Nightol
  10. Oldseadog

    How can I find my vehicle number

    Use the VIN and that will tell you the model and year of manufacture, from there you will need to look up how many of that particular model was made that year, and where your VIN digits come in the list.
  11. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Stew whet terdue hennifink artsyde :(
  12. Oldseadog

    New battery time

    If you have, or know anyone that has a trade card have a look at Halfauds.
  13. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gid moanin peeplz Eyez adda lion hand jerst gotteded art uvmi pit Sreiginin ear hand bloowina hoolie anorl, swappy wensdi ter eech hand hevvry wunna yerz.
  14. Oldseadog

    Defender propshaft / rattling noises

    @jamesmartin I have to admit that I've never seen a diff pinion preloaded by a bolt instead of a castellated nut! Even the transfer box flange is on with a nyloc! Is it just because I'm old and things have moved on? :eek:
  15. Oldseadog

    RRC LT77 Rebuilt for 90. Could ya?

    It's a Fender, therefore anything is possible! The LT77 is one of the standard boxed fitted to just about anything, including the old-style London Black Cabs. All you need to do is check that the bell housings are the same and it should drop straight in.
  16. Oldseadog

    Clicking sound has developed with steering?

    If you take the plug outr and stick your finger in the hole, can you feel the oil/grease level on the end of your finger? Don't worry, you will get oil/grease around it as you are 'dipping'. It's the end that counts. If you don't then fill up with half a pack of OneShot in each, and let it...
  17. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Hi diddlet no vat ossis pakt lunshes fert ryderers!
  18. Oldseadog

    dry balls.

    I'd be a bit concerned if the prop flange bolts were loose, as all the nuts should be nylocs. You might be as well replacing them as they are only a 'one-use' component.
  19. Oldseadog

    I would just like to say

    Gid moaning ivvriwun Snot bin reignin ear, bert spin werry werry windi wiv moor blowin ahoolie fer terdi. Snot nyse, ant durgs dunt lyke hit! Avva gud dai, hand dunt git blewd aweigh.
  20. Oldseadog

    Defender propshaft / rattling noises

    When you remove the prop from the diff, the pinion flange is the bit that it was bolted to, and you should be able to see a castellated nut with a split pin through it. All you need to do is check that there is no waggle (side to side and corner to corner) on the flange, although there should be...