1. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    I suppose I could buzz off out each day, move the wheelie bin and other rubbish, open the cabinet and take a reading! Don't know if I can do it via the website. Octopus sure know! At least we know that gas consumption is near zero! Just had a quick look at what air-sourced heat pumps cost in...
  2. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    Thanks for that, I'll google CT1 and see what it says. I just wish I has some spare bits to practise with and see if it really does the job. But it must be some sort of hard plastic to hard plastic. Ta again, mate!:):):)
  3. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    Well the fog light went in, and the reversing light on the other side too as well as replacing the rather dark indicator bulb..... BUT!!!! (You knew this was going to happen didn't you, seems to be my month, or is it the year, for this?) As I was removing the offside cluster, the clear perspex...
  4. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    You'll be busy!;)
  5. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    Sunny today. Still got snow though, hain't melted yet. Was a bit of a job getting the cover off W's car this a.m. When she get's back I'll try replacing the Fog light. Chap delivering from the supermarket said he could have done with my Disco first thing as he starts delivering goods down...
  6. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    At least I now know where to look for its special ickle stop-cock!
  7. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    No, we have heat, it is just electric convection/fan heaters. And electric blankets and heating the water with an immersion element. We'll survive. Due to the gate valves and the fact that Grundfoss no longer make the pump I'm leaving it to the pro. For once. ;)
  8. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    . oops!
  9. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    Got CH pump off with no more water spillage, cleaned it up, put it back on. Long story short, it hummed and got hot with no boiler on and no hot water, so I guess that although it seemed to spin quite freely, when turned by hand, the electronic bulls' droppings that turns it by induction or...
  10. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    Well done, glad someone had some success on tinternet today.
  11. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    Have to confess I have had such a poop day I am disinterested, disgusted, and any other flipping word I can think of that begins with dis. :(:(
  12. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    Snow has stopped, temp in our hall is 11 degs C. Temp in lounge is better. have a lovely day! :):):)
  13. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    The opposite of discombobulated:— clear-headed. unpuzzled. balanced. There is no such word as 'combobulate'.16 Feb 2022 However: Gruntled Adjective, (humorous) 1. Pleased, satisfied and contented. "The word “discombobulated” was likely coined in the North Midland U.S. as a humorous variation...
  14. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

  15. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    We has porridge every day, 'cept Sat and Sun when we go all continental with Café au lait. and "Viennoiserie" (Crosissants for me, Petits Pains aux raisins for W):):) Have fun in the snow. Oh, maybe you don't have any. We do! :)
  16. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    To me a ship's manifest isn't that.
  17. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    New parts are coming with the plumber and will be fitted Friday week.
  18. Stanleysteamer

    Testing and changing the glow plugs on a TD5

    What happens with the glow plugs is governed, of course, by the ECM. @sierrafery will be able to tell you more about this than I can and may be able to throw some light on the situation. But yes injector sealing could possibly be part of this.
  19. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    I cannot believe, especially on this thread, that you have just used these last two words. (Deleted in my reply) If I even replied to your post, in its entirety @Hippo would give me an angry face for that as it would include naughty words. Cannot understand your anger over this. I did say "call...
  20. Stanleysteamer

    I would just like to say

    Hmmm! how do you feel about it? I haven't seen anything about it. I have at least some idea of what it means. In the old days a man would be half of a date, now two could be both sides, or no side or..... no sorry can't go on.... give me strength! i think I'll disppear down a personhole.;)