1. hui

    bio deisel

    :confused: how do a know if its bang on fur deisel:D
  2. hui

    bio deisel

    sorry whats an ip injection pump is it
  3. hui

    bio deisel

    right thanx a lot matey:D
  4. hui

    Took the Fan Off !!!

  5. hui


    a canny acces this keep being asked for username and password then says am not authorised to view this:confused: :confused:
  6. hui

    Heater Matrix Seal (Foam) Question

    i fitted a matrix fae a saab in me def 200 tdi, i filled the holes that were left in heater box with insulation "fibreglass" fae ma own loft, stuffed it in way a pencil, sorted:D
  7. hui

    Blue Quartz Glass Halogen Bulbs

    hi sorry had a few problems at the farm, mine were bought in america, however what u want is a h4 kit, youll get this for about 3 tun "me thinx" and youl get different tinges of colour, mines is the 6oook which i was told was the best night light, theyl go up to 12000 a think this...
  8. hui

    bio deisel

    Ive not got a clue, How do i find out and al go and look ta:D
  9. hui

    bio deisel

    can a run ma def 200 tdi on this, can this be bought from the forecourt which garages sell it is it safe as ma landies just hud £1500.00 spent on hur, ive nae money left:eek:
  10. hui

    Took the Fan Off !!!

    honed yes, new pistons and rings, yes oversized pistons head was torqued down properly. the guy that done all this fitted new valves , so he may not have changed the oil seals, thanx a lot, knew u could help, BUT didnt know if u would. SLOB " a like yae, yur sum man.:D
  11. hui

    Took the Fan Off !!!

    Fortunately not, ma dads had his 5 bearing 2 and quarter deisel engine rebored, crankshaft reground, cylinder head skimmed, new valves and regrounded, fuel pump and rotary pumps new, but its got blue smoke when its ticking over, the injectors are also recon. slob, whats up way hur:D
  12. hui

    Took the Fan Off !!!

    sorry about that, slob, grunt, yella disco, being AWOL . had an unfortunate incident with a couple oh ma cattle, due to the extreme weather up eire, No doubt youll all be glad am back and safe.:rolleyes: :D :)
  13. hui

    Took the Fan Off !!!

    shur up daffyd
  14. hui

    Took the Fan Off !!!

    i know your an english ****, bald small greasy and fat.:eek: And yur pattur is outdated ya skank:D :D :D
  15. hui

    Took the Fan Off !!!

    slob and grunt sorry but u r both english ****s, td5 man must have known, u,r info was bolloks, wah wah in other words a crock of ****, ha ha well done tae the tories
  16. hui

    Blue Quartz Glass Halogen Bulbs

    GET YURSELF A SET A HID GAS THERE BRILL, AV GOT THEM ON THE TUG, anythin else after youve had these are poor wut a lite
  17. hui

    Took the Fan Off !!!

    bad idea, very bad,if its too cool their must be a problemo, takin the fan aff wont cure it, if its not heatin up quickly, wear a bigger jacket,change thermostats,
  18. hui

    hui sorted

    good to see the forums up n runnin again,:cool: Thats ma landy fixed , after trying everyhin, Turned out to be the cylinder head gaskit,:confused: Excellent heating now, no cool down, Thats way a 82 degree stat as well, fells too warm noo,:eek: its a pleasure tae drive now...
  19. hui

    defender 200tdi heating very unwell help!

    we put that on the floor at night and it keeps the mice away