1. L

    Tin of nails

    Cheers ming
  2. L

    TD4 Loss of Power at 70mph (3000 revs)

    One would think so but nothing is for certain.I was thinking along the lines that when you r going up a hill your engine is having to produce more power to maintane the same speed.What produces your engines power? fuel.Why dont you take it to another L/R dealer for a second check or even a turbo...
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    Tin of nails

    Hi all, my td4 sounds like a tin of nails for about 5 mins when i start it up from cold, after this time the sound goes.It seems to be coming from the drivers side of the engine down near the belts which i had changed about 20000 miles ago.Has any one got any constructive ideas as to what...
  4. L

    TD4 Loss of Power at 70mph (3000 revs)

    Hi m8, im no expert but it sounds to me to be a fuel problem not the turbo.Have the fuel filters been changed and what about the 3 fuel pumps
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    Removing EGR

    Thats the one mate.Get it off and plug it with a screw.Did this to my td4 with good results.
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    no go above 2000rpm

    some people need a good kick in the nuts.
  7. L

    no go above 2000rpm

    Hi m8, do the right thing dont px it with that fault it just isnt on.How would u feel if it was done to u, at the very least u should mention it when doing the px.
  8. L

    Pros and Cons of the TD4 Freelander

    Nice write up Blippie, well said.
  9. L

    Brake lights auto TD4

    Brake lights r to show people behind u that u r slowing down or stopping.I dont think u put the selector in park to slow down or stop,but i could be wrong as i dont drive an auto.:p :rolleyes:
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    Sat nav or speedo

    Thanks for that it sounds just the place im looking for.
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    Sat nav or speedo

    Sort of, its better than it was but not spot on.Thinking that i might phone Tim at Treedown on Monday and run it by him as he has worked on the truck before.
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    Sat nav or speedo

    Hi all, does anyone know which is most accurate, the sat nav or the speedo.I only ask because when coming back from Headcorn yesterday i noticed that my speedo was saying 80mph but the sat was only saying 72.Which one is right?
  13. L

    Clutc fade

    will give that a go nice one thanks, oh honiton or exeter makes no odds as i live in stoke canon
  14. L

    Clutc fade

    thanks for that do you know of a good garage
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    Clutc fade

    Its a td4 freelander 2001.Have check fluid level and thats fine.Is it possible to bleed the system atall, oh and there is no slip or strange smells, but there is about 1 inch of what i can only describe as free movement not before the clutch engages but before you feel any resistance on the...
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    Clutc fade

    Hi all, gave my td4 a real good run today,Exeter in Devon to Headcorn in Kent and back again approx 455miles.On the way back she started to suffer quite badly from clutch fade, so much so that it was very hard to get in gear.Any ideas on what the prob could be and price to fix...
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    Chipping a 2001 TD4

    Dont bother getting it chipped m8, get a roverron gismo.They are very good and half the price of getting it chipped.I have one on my 2001 td4 and its given it a new lease of life even though the motor has done 150000 miles.Money well spent for once on the hippo.
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    td4 still got smoke problems when cold.

    Hi m8, try disconnecting your egr valve by pulling off the small pipe and blanking it off with a screw.If you feel like going one step further take the unit off and give it a good clean internally as they can get full of sludge.
  19. L

    TD4 Oil in air intake??

    This is quite normal for a td4.To help matters you could disconnect the egr vave by pulling of the small pipe which connects to it and blanking it off with a screw.
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    Just got one.....

    Did you duy it from a stealer or private?