1. F

    Td4 explodes on the M4

    Hooray,Hooray,What a joyous day.The devil car has gone for good.Never will I have to ponder whether to take the car or the bus (afraid it will be the bus until I find a new car).A mentally ill person came and gave me a fistful of twenties for the thing (maybe he was a good christian or a lottery...
  2. F

    Labour costs

    And what does the poor old grease monkey get out of all that lovely dosh,maybe £12 an hour if he's lucky.These dealers are nothing more than criminals disguised as a business.No matter what expenses are involved in the servicing of a vehicle it can never justify this sort of cost.The word GREED...
  3. F

    V6 Head Gasket Failure

    Buy a box of swan vestas.It's much cheaper.....flyboy2
  4. F

    Td4 explodes on the M4

    Actually I did not know about the service history until after I bought the car.As for the engine being replaced I did not realise at the time that 90 out of every 100 freeklanders that are made suffer from this ailment,just my luck to find out the hard way.All the other faults have happened...
  5. F

    Using Coolant

    I couldn't believe that for once it wasn't the fault of the car.It would seem that a dickhead must have reversed into the back of the car,or rather the spare wheel and pushed the door panel in very slightly.This in turn was stopping the window from moving all the way down and of course the...
  6. F

    brake noise

    Check your calipers.The pads could be moving as you brake.It is not unknown for calipers to develop this fault.Always fit Mintex,Ferodo,Allied Signal pads,as others can wear out extremely quick......flyboy2
  7. F

    1.8 petrol ???

    Bet you did not know that Land Rover are compulsive liars.
  8. F

    Using Coolant

    Thanks for that,I have tried the reset procedure,but it don't work.If I open the back door the window goes all the way down,instead of stopping after a few millimetres.The window then goes up when the button is pressed,but reaches the top then goes down again.The only way I could close it was to...
  9. F

    Using Coolant

    Morning m8,just thought I would see if any Freeklanders have blown up overnight,by the way any ideas on the rear window.It wouldn't reset after removing the battery and the rear wiper stopped working at the same time.Somebody suggested the wiper motor is faulty and the window sensor is unable to...
  10. F

    Using Coolant

    Check the bottom of the radiator........you may find signs of corrosion.My Freeklander started losing coolant the same way and it turned out to be the radiator core.It was only losing coolant under pressure and did not show up on a pressure test for some unknown reason.The core fell apart when...
  11. F

    Td4 explodes on the M4

    Just out of interest have you ever checked the USA and Australian land rover user sites out.Have a look and you will find exactly the same comments about the Freeklander,but with more people not willing to put up with Land Rover's atrocious service.It was on the Australian site that someone...
  12. F

    Td4 explodes on the M4

    Anyone know if it is possible to fit a Wartburg two stroke engine in a freelander.I hear it makes a great improvement,but has trouble with meeting the emissions test.Maybe a Reliant robin gearbox will pair up with it,along with a posi traction back axle.
  13. F

    Meaty offroader

    Just wondering if anyone has seen the latest offering from Russia.It is made by UAZ motors.The prices are incredibly cheap and they are built like tanks.The only problem is getting one,as they don't meet the emission levels in the UK.Funny thing is you can buy them in Germany,but at an inflated...
  14. F

    sherpa engine,advice pls

    It depends if you are talking about the Sherpa or the LDV series.I might be wrong,but I don't think they put a 2.5 in the Sherpa,but it was fitted in the LDV 400 series.Some came with a 2.5 Peugeot diesel with a turbo and some were non turbo........leave these alone,they are gutless.The later...
  15. F

    V8 Freebie

    No chance m8.It's the colour that does it for me.
  16. F

    Td4 explodes on the M4

    Actually the car was bought from a Land Rover mechanic who gave up on it.The engine blew up after the thermostat packed up and caused the head gasket to blow.I have the sevice history from Land Rover and it makes frightening reading,more like an obituary.The engine was replaced with a "modified...
  17. F

    1.8 petrol ???

    To be honest I would put the freelander at the top of the list for looks,but looks ain't everything and I personally won't pay the sort of money it takes to keep one of these things on the road.I was lucky (must be joking) to have bought the car after the previous owner had the misfortune to...
  18. F

    V8 Freebie

    Where might I buy one of these.......might even px my 1.8 (with some cash in my favour of course):D
  19. F

    V8 Freebie

    But surely this ain't the ideal engine to start messing with.I have a freelander with a supposedly modified block (It stops the liners slipping and therefore cures the head gasket problem.......wouldn't bank on it though) but I still would not chance any mods.Still,maybe someone knows something...
  20. F

    1.8 petrol ???

    Not only will one of these piles of rubbish use more petrol,it will also lighten your bank balance by a considerable sum.I would strongly urge you for the sake of your sanity to give up on the idea of buying one of these devil motors.I would suggest a much more reliable car would be a Jeep...