1. pinkspider

    Hello from four Series Landys, oh and a girl

    Tell me about it, I'm considering selling a kidney to fund the "habit" soon. Alys
  2. pinkspider

    Hello from four Series Landys, oh and a girl

    Lol, oh don't! I've got to order a new clutch for my 1960 tonight, and some new gearbox mounts..yawn! Alys
  3. pinkspider

    Hello from four Series Landys, oh and a girl

    Heh, bless! I'm sure Hannah will soon turn out to be a pig - she back fired a few times on getting her started for the first time today - but other than that, she's being nice to the time being! And yup, a sense of humour is one thing I definitely have with all the Landys to keep me amused. Alys
  4. pinkspider

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Well, today, I've cleaned and free'd up my Series 3's starting motor, bought and fitted (well, the boyfriend did..) a new ignition coil and have got her starting for the first time in a good few years :D Alys
  5. pinkspider

    Hello from four Series Landys, oh and a girl

    Thanks for the welcome Richard. And we decided to break her, due to (lack of) time and the fact she was such a bitsa that we would never really use her or be able to sell her on - as harsh as that sounds. Alys
  6. pinkspider

    Theft attempt in norfolk

    Where abouts in Norfolk are you based? I'd do a Tony Martin on them to be honest, if they try it again, and blast a hole in them. ..insensitive as I may sound I have no time for people who try to steal my possessions..especially Land Rovers. Alys
  7. pinkspider

    Hello from four Series Landys, oh and a girl

    Hello all, Thought I'd say a quick hello and introduce myself and my Land Rovers. My name's Alys and I'm based in Norwich, Norfolk. I've got four Series Landys - one Series 2, two Series 2as and, as of the weekend just gone, a Series 3. All of them are SWBs - mainly because I find...