1. D

    Positive Comments

    I love my freelander. Why just today I introduced it to the back end of a volkswagen and guess what? the freelander won. No one hurt but 'lander needs new bottom half of bumper. Incidentally, anyone know the repercussions of having a crash without a current M.O.T. cetificate (three weeks...
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    Power Steering Leak

    where do I get me one o these?
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    Power Steering Leak

    beter than a Haynes, surely not?
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    Power Steering Leak

    dumb question: whats this "rave cd"
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    Read door seal

    i have took the whole carpet/cubby lining out. Punched out the drain hole maybe that'll work. Or maybe the fish will just escape!
  6. D

    help !

    I found if you have armed the system then the key will not start it. You must use the fob. Don't know if there is another way
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    Read door seal

    My 'drover is an 8 year old freelander 81,000 and still no real mechanical faults.
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    Read door seal

    Anybody got an idea just how long the limit is on warranty claims for the rear door seal. Mine's been seeing how much water it can store in the boot and I think it's time to replace it.:confused:
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    'nother freelander - hill decent not working

    As far as happy ending are concerned, I'm not so sure. Just as I get the hdc working, the fan now only works on settings 3 and 4. 1 and 2 not working. Oh well, back to the drawing board...
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    'nother freelander - hill decent not working

    Don't know if this will help anyone. If you extend the wires so that the connector sits on the metalwork, then this will take the weight off the wires. Also tape the wires to the lower section of the gear lever (Below the switching unit) I've tried it. will let you all know if it was a waste...
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    Burnt Out Freelander

    i read it and it doesn't say that police ruled out spontaneous combustion
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    'nother freelander - hill decent not working

    eightinavee is right about the wires. Have just whipped off the gaiter and...hey presto! two free wires! Both wires had parted company from the micro switch. .5 mis, a dod o solder and voila! a working hdc. Wonder how much a garage would have charged
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    'nother freelander - hill decent not working

    i have the same problem. when i turn ignition on the lights come on, but when i engage the hdc switch, nothing!
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    Headlamp conversion.

    Don't know if it will work on 'drovers but Halfords do a euro conversion sticky on kit.
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    Rattling sound when turning

    I have a rattle as well it sounds like it's coming from the offside front wheel area, just as I turn left also there is a short squeal now and again from the same manouver. Also, should the engine be as hot as it is. Ie: when I open the bonnet i am hit with a wall of air so hot, it feels like...
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    sourcing stainless sill covers/guards

    Oops! Sills are at www.dcp-shop.co.uk £21.99
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    sourcing stainless sill covers/guards

    Formula4x4.com stainless steel side steps for freelander, get this! £257.33
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    she is running fine now

    After looking in the engine bay and seeing where the cone would end up, I thought it a bit strange that they tell you "cold, dense air is the best" even though the digram for the cone has it right inside the engine bay. Mmmm yea the 57i idea is binned. Thank for the advice. Maybe consider...
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    she is running fine now

    Two q's 1st what is MAF? and 2 anybody tried the cone version (57i) of the K&N filter. wise move or what?