i once new a bloke who's next door neighbours second cousin twice removed heard about someone that torched his car and he got the same blurb from the cops. the guy was laffing all the way to the bank. so it may have been arson by the little b'stards after all .
thats one good thing about lack of leccy stuff...less to cause problems and burst into flames
Well it was on finance, so the finance will be paid off (eventually) and i suppose the good thing is that i'm debt free.

So it means i can throw more money into the Series IIA!!!!
I was at the time, but it's done now and something else will replace it soon, i'd like a Series II Discovery or a Defender 90, but the mrs is after an Astra Coupe 2.2

Let the arguments begin.
Sheddy said:
No, the police ruled out spontaneoous combustion.

Sometimes, reading carefully is a good thing, it stops you making an arse out of yourself. Sometimes.

i read it and it doesn't say that police ruled out spontaneous combustion
Treev150 said:
:mad: Those stupid fu**ing little bastards!!!

This happened at midnight on sunday/monday

This was my beloved 2001 V6 ES Freelander...

It was top of the range and fully loaded...

The police has ruled spontaneous combustion and said it was my curling tongs that shorted out :eek:

Just gonna have to wait for the insurance to pay out now.

I have only had it 10 weeks:confused:

it says" ruled spontaneous combustion"
Treev150 said:
"an electrical fault was to blame for the damage to your vehicle. We have ruled out arson."

What a bummer. I guess it's irrelevent now, but did they say whereabouts in the vehicle the fire started?



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