1. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    Thanks for this. Point taken on security. In absolute terms I’m sure you’re right. Mentally I feel better having the solidity of a tin box! I’ll keep updating this thread on quality etc.
  2. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    OK - just started a separate thread with costs etc: https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/experimenting-with-a-bikini-top-costs-and-benefits.333838/
  3. Speedy6111

    Experimenting with a bikini top - costs and benefits

    In a previous thread some discussion started about bikini tops. I thought I’d note my experiences here, as there doesn’t seem to be much detail about this approach anywhere. Background: I’m a new-ish Landy owner, acquiring a 1980 S3 SWB hardtop in autumn last year. I use it for general running...
  4. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    Yes! I’ve seen that one there. Chatted to the owner once. It’s a 2.25 petrol in quite nice condition. Update on my steering clunk - slight improvement from tightening U bolts. Will look at suggestions from @blue beasty next. (Thank you). Bikini hood and bits have been ordered. Also found a...
  5. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    Small world! Yes I’ve done the lane a couple of times both in the Landy and on my scrambler. You must be very local? I’m just a couple of minutes from where the pic was taken.
  6. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    That’s tedious, sorry to hear it. Sunny again tomorrow so perhaps leave outside to dry out?
  7. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    Thanks. I’d wondered about a fume curtain later on. Take your point about bulkhead fixings- I’ll have to look at that. No seatbelt bar on mine so that might simplify. On flapping I guess I’ll just have to experiment and see how it is.
  8. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    I’ve got lucky and found a sharktooth secondhand. I plan to run the bikini with just the front hoop and not the door channels/ surrounds.
  9. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    Thanks for that. I guessed that might be the case. I’d heard stories of shrunk or moudly canvas and corroded parts, so I was wary even before your comment. I’m going to try the bikini top and see how it goes. Worst case I can resell and will at least have had the experience.
  10. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    It’s tricky isn’t it? I’ve spent a long time debating the pros and cons. My S3 is hardtop, and is pretty well sealed in bad weather (not perfect, but better than some from what I’ve read). Hardtop provides security, has full rear door and keeps the wind out. A full tilt and stick set ends up...
  11. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    Hah. Forecast improves again from tomorrow so fingers crossed. I’m seriously thinking about getting a bikini top though.
  12. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    @Colthebrummie @tottot - thank you both. I’ve had a look and tightened shackle very slightly, but the U bolts accepted quite a lot of nipping up. I’ll test tomorrow once rain stops and see if it’s helped.
  13. Speedy6111

    Series 3 Sunny day pic and a steering clunk question

    Hi All, Quite new to the forum and had my first Landy (S3 88”) for less than a year. Finally took the hard top off due to the amazing weather here in the UK - loving it! So, a pic. Also: On right hand turns I sometimes hear/feel a loud clunk from somewhere front right. It seems to be a...
  14. Speedy6111

    First Post - Hello

    Thank you. Already posted a question and am getting some helpful answers. I’m really enjoying owning her. Last owner and previous did the build including beamont gears, unleaded head, axles, chassis work etc. It drives really nicely and is a pleasure to trundle round the local lanes. I’m...
  15. Speedy6111

    First Post - Hello

    Thanks. Yes to doing most of it. I’ve worked on motorcycles a bit, so I’m ok with having a go. It’s more having a set of experienced eyes that could point me in the right direction if I get stuck. Is there a directory in here of places that are known / well regarded for Series work?
  16. Speedy6111

    S3 warm starting difficult

    Thanks. I’ve cleaned the pilot idle jet. Also moved the fuel line which was across one end of the block. Fuel filter looks ok. I’ll try for the next few days and see how it goes. If it doesn’t start I’ll do foot to the floor. There also seems to be a manual pump lever for fuel down near the...
  17. Speedy6111

    S3 warm starting difficult

    Thanks both. @John S - it takes a good 5 or 6 seconds on the key - twice - to start from warm. Once going it’s fine, not rough. I’ll try the carb idle jet clean as you suggest. Also the foot to the floor on the gas! @clivees - yes I didn’t need much choke from first start even in the recent...
  18. Speedy6111

    S3 warm starting difficult

    Hi all, new here and new to Land Rovers. 1980 S3 2.25 Petrol. Weber carb. Starts fine from cold on half choke. But after driving then leaving for 15 mins or so it takes two attempts to start. (No choke) I’ve pulled plugs and cleaned - they seemed fine. Initially easy start perhaps suggests...
  19. Speedy6111

    First Post - Hello

    Hi there. Long time Land Rover admirer and recent first time owner. I have a 1980 S3 SWB 2.25 Petrol hardtop. Had a recent rebuild (not by me) and it’s in very nice condition. I’ve been lurking a bit so thought it was time to say hello. Based in Hampshire, and using it more or less as my...