1. oos_ya_daddy

    Fuel Pump Tweak

    Hi. I am seriously lacking in power since my Disco went into the garage. It was smoking a fair bit so I took it in. Matey said that someone in the past had taken the top off the fuel pump and turned it up, he said he has put it back to standard again. Only thing is there is no power at all...
  2. oos_ya_daddy

    Brake Disc Question

    Great. Doesnt seem too bad then. Ill give it a go and let you know how I get on. Cheers for the guide !
  3. oos_ya_daddy

    Brake Disc Question

    Going to replace my rear discs n pads tonight. The Haynes says that I need some kind of meter to measure to end free play when I put the bearing n all back in ? Is this strictly necissary or can I just keep testing by rocking the tyre to get them nice n snug ? I assume that will tighten the...
  4. oos_ya_daddy

    Savage Vibration. Totaly Buggered ?

    I know I could easily fit the new one. But, Ive no idea about ballancing it ? So I thought sod it ! Costing about £40 in Labour, Landy is shared so I only have to pay £20. Rather just pay that than bugger around with ballancing. Im sure someone will tell me its easy to do. But I already had...
  5. oos_ya_daddy

    Savage Vibration. Totaly Buggered ?

    Hi. Took the disco to the garage last night. On the way the front prop shaft parted company with the gearbox. I was stuck in a country lane, only wide enogh for one car. Took me an hour to unbolt the front of the propshaft to get moving again. The car would not move in either direction because...
  6. oos_ya_daddy

    Savage Vibration. Totaly Buggered ?

    Ive got a bit of a savage rumble / vibration coming from the Landy. I know that it could probably be quite a few things, but........ It seems to appear when you get to about 20 - 30 MPH. Is more pronounced when under load. Goes away completely when you put your foot on the clutch. There is a...
  7. oos_ya_daddy

    QT diff guard. What is this ?

    Pretty good thanks. They are definately better than what we had before. Look mean as well. My mate got a set for his 90 after seeing mine. He got slightly larger tho. I tried his ones on and we would have had no chance fitting them on. I will do a lift at some point this year and trim out the...
  8. oos_ya_daddy

    QT diff guard. What is this ?

    Cool. OK. Drove to work on the Motorway this morning and didnt notice any vibration. Thought it might be some kind of damper / absorber. Ill leave it off then. Thanks for the advice.
  9. oos_ya_daddy

    QT diff guard. What is this ?

    I fitted my new diff guard tonight. I could not put the big heavy ring roller thing back on afterwards. Would not fit on !! Dont understand what is purpose is ? Is it a guard or some kind of counterballance ? :D :whoosh:
  10. oos_ya_daddy

    Body trimming for tyres

    :D Hi all. I was on here the other week asking about tyres types. Thanks for all the help !. Ive decided to go for the Recips in either a 265 / 70 or 75 R16. They are the same price on EBay (£350). Ive looked on the "Land Rover Discovery Tire Fitment Guide", but I dont fully understand the...
  11. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    OK. Cheers ! Wont bother then.
  12. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    Fair enough. Thought that might be the case ! Not even short term, for testing purposes ?
  13. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    Boomer. I think what im actally gonna do is bid on your tyres. Give um a try for a month then decide what size to go for. (If I can get them to fit) However, is there an issue with having different sizes front to back ? Does that give you wind up ? Im from Exeter by the way.
  14. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    OK. Seems like id be better going for the 235 70 16 recips, purely for the grip. Although I still fancy a larger diameter tyre for clearance. The tyres I have now only say 205 R16 on them, no mention of the profile. Ive crudely measured the diameter and it appears to be about 30" which is...
  15. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    Surely I can't fit 265s on ? They are loads bigger than the 235s right ? Or maybe a better question is, How much would I have to cut to fit them ? As I said I dont want to go mad on the cutting, but ill have off with anything that is relitively easy to cut. Not that good at fabrication of "new"...
  16. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    Nice One !
  17. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    Thanks for the info guys. Ill get on and buy the b@stards now. Get um on and let you know how it goes. Cheers for all the help ! Anyone know a good place to buy the spacers ? And where did those tyres come from ?
  18. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    Thanks for that. Ive read the few pposts on here about trimming. Hopefully if I go for a reasonably sensible size tyre and the spacers, i wont have to take too much off. Like the look of the tyres in the pics above, how much they cost ? I assume from looking at them they are pretty agressive...
  19. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    Yes, I think Ill trim the arches still. When you say the arches, I am right in thinking that this means bodywork pannels ? Not the actual wheel arch ? ( I Can't really explain exactly what I mean, but I hope you get the idea ?) I know you can trim the rear doors too, but I would like to...
  20. oos_ya_daddy

    2" Lift ?

    Cool, I think that might be the way forward for me. I assume that I still need to extend the brake pipes ? I know I will probably just get a message back giving me the link to the "What size tyres can I put on my Discovery" but what can I actually get away with, in an easy and cheap to order...