1. K

    Defeated by 2-3cm of snow

    No, that's fair play, really. Momentum would've definitely helped. Don't really know how to estimate hill steepness with any accuracy, but I'd guess 1:2, maybe 1:1.75. Last winter we had a 5-6 cars stuck in our valley overnight, but a Defender did make it out -- pulling a trailer.
  2. K

    Defeated by 2-3cm of snow

    For slightly more context, all the routes out of our valley are steep and twisty, so building momentum for a climb is a balance between how much grip I can manage thru tight blind corners and carrying speed for climbs. Still, I've seen other Defenders make it thru in tough conditions, so I'm...
  3. K

    Defeated by 2-3cm of snow

    Sorry, I forgot to mention :doh: -- I did engage the diff lock. Thanks though - still good advice
  4. K

    Defeated by 2-3cm of snow

    Now, before I say any more, I should say that I love my Landy and that's not about to change. So, we got a dusting of the white stuff early this morning - and I mean maybe 2-3cm. For grins, I tried my Mazda first and predictably it laughed at the suggestion of pointing up the hill to get out...
  5. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    Glad to be of service :)
  6. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    I'm still laughing. What makes me truly brilliant is that I measured the under-seat compartment *yesterday* right before ordering a new battery. Right, off to sleep while I can.
  7. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    Hamfisted tho I may be, in my defense, I have a toddler and a 5-week old, so I'm doing well if I can find my Landy :)
  8. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    At the risk of further humiliation... I'm pretty sure I have a bonnet release just to the left of my steering column. I usually give it a tug and the bonnet pops up enough to undo the safety (from the outside) and raise it the rest of the way.
  9. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    Alright, I'm going to step away from the keyboard before I do any more damage. Thanks for the laugh :D
  10. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    Ya, besides me being a wingnut, I guess there's still some potential for education here... How would you unstick/thaw a frozen bonnet cable?
  11. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    OK, I deserved that.
  12. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    Aw, frak. I'm an idiot.
  13. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    When you all get finished pointing and laughing, please do show me the light :p
  14. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    .... so I could drive it to work in the morning? Please enlighten me if there's another way to charge the battery without opening the hood.
  15. K

    What have you learned from Defender ownership?

    The answer to any question about the car is, "Well, it's a Defender"
  16. K

    Ma bonnet froze shut

    Went out tonight to charge the battery because it's almost flat (cold weather). Got in and tried to pop the hood (bonnet), but the release wouldn't budge. Got out and gave the hood a little persuasion (whacked it), but still no joy. Got back in and thankfully the engine cranked. Let it run for...
  17. K

    Best to buy for a newcomer?

    You're in roughly the same spot I was about a year ago. Same budget, but had to go with a 110 station wagon to get the idea past The Accountant. Here are a few links with lots of tips: Land Rover FAQ - Repair & Maintenance - Series - What to look for DEFENDER BUYERS GUIDE The Land Rover...
  18. K

    Battery Advice Needed

    A couple folks have mentioned ones rated for way higher output than factory spec. Is that a way to get a longer life and/or easy cranks - or a path to a fried starter and/or smoking Landy?
  19. K

    Clutch going (I think?)

    Welp, I managed to adjust the master cylinder / clutch pedal and I haven't had a single problem since (well not with the clutch, at least). Mostly, I just adjusted the pedal height. So, first, thanks! Second, why the heck did moving the pedal lower make a difference?
  20. K

    Clutch going (I think?)

    Sean, you say that, but you could practically measure my normal progress on a geologic timescale. :) Still, I'd like to give that a go. Sorry to be dense, what's "rave?" I've cracked open the workshop manual to the section about clutch pedal and master cylinder adjustment. It lists the pedal...