learn to weld
learn some electrics
steer clear of anything with Brit in the name
No matter how noisy, cold, slow or unpredictable it is, you still love it
Learn NOT to wave at other Landy drivers when walking....they think you're mad.
:) the best


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That enthusiasts are people who will give up their Saturday to help and only ask for a cup of tea.
That a lot of people advertising as qualified mechanics are definitely NOT.
That forums like this one are a great way to learn from other people's mistakes.
That a Land Rover is like a pet without the insurance!
If you think you're steering has gone "a bit vague" then you have sheered your propshaft off and the front axle's spring mounts and radius arms are no longer attached. The exhaust is also hanging off.
But, having said that, it is possible to do a 10 mile journey home in that state :D
Like a rescue dog a used Landy can have all sorts of issues that only come to light over time. And, like the old biscuit tin lids, the parts never tend to go back on in the same way they came off.
havent had my landy long, but i feel so much better now- i thought i had the only land, when everytime you get in you find another thing wrong BUT everytime i drive it i love it more- or am i just wierd????, my family car is a vw touran it starts everytime, uses much less fuel, is comfortable, warm (the heater actually works) BUT would happily set it alight to keep my lovely landy warm!!!!!!
Mine comes out about once every two weeks but it is soon to become my daily car when I pass my test. She takes all the abuse I give her but still keeps coming for more. When I think about how much hammer I give her, she isn't all that unreliable. Things on a Landy are the way they would be if you made your own car. Everything is bolt on and interchangeable in your own garage. The fact that things don't work just makes it feel human. You have a real connection to the man that made your car because different things brake on yours to everyone else's and that must be down to the person that put it together.

I also love the way that there's an unwritten set of rules to go with them. I doubt anyone has ever even read the manual. They're owned by the sort of people who think "Maybe I could do it this way" and then when that way doesn't work they go and adapt a random piece of hose pipe or twig or hacksaw to do a job that it was never intended for.
String, cable ties, silicone, hacksaw and hammer.

Also very important, never ever leave home without a major toolkit and big box of spares with you including flask and butties (flask containing stella to numb the shock) when you cant fix it. After the stella you'll think of a way to do it.
This is like you've all read my mind and took turns to post bits of me,I've only had him(DEF 90) 3 months and he's called richie and I can yes and laugh to all of the above ....and that has to be a good thing.
After my full front end replacement last week, I came to her today and discovered she needs a new track rod end. :D
I've learnt ( or just remembered again ) over the last week that I must keep my travel rug in the beast otherwise I get to my destination and my right leg and thigh has a case of severe frostbite ...... have taken to sitting with hot water bottle on lap on journey to work otherwise have no use in fingers for an hour when I arrive :eek:

I've learnt to push the snow off the roof before seting off otherwise when the heater eventually heats up ....wait for it, wait for it , wait for it ....... the warmth from the beast melts the snow on the sunroof and the water then pours through it and driving one handed whilst trying to staunch the flood is no fun :(
I have learnt that a bunch of really decent helpful folk own Defenders.

Thanks to all!!

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