1. Jay reKx

    clarify towing grammar

    I know the subject has been done to death, but after reading a lot of info and being told many differing things many different people over the years, I think I've nearly distilled the facts, but have yet to find a definitive answer to this: [Licences held from 1st January 1997] does the...
  2. Jay reKx

    Whats your land rover run on

    I feed mine small children.
  3. Jay reKx

    Scuff sills

    whats one of them when its at home?
  4. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my head in

    it might only be 60 quid, but thats still 60 quid I dont have right now :rolleyes: besides which, its not my truck
  5. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my head in

    the suns shining and something is going right for a change :) figured I'd start with the easy suggestions first, and with the sound proofing out, the sucking noise from the sender was very audible, even sat in the driver's seat. a preliminary poking with a spanner resulted in this so I...
  6. Jay reKx

    Tyre size

    the most expensive ones you can find. even if you have to re mortgage the house and sell the land rover.
  7. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my head in

    thanks for all the suggestions, its a great help. I'll have another crack at it at the weekend and let you know how it goes!
  8. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my head in

    I haven't tried the injectors yet, I'll get onto that, cheers. the tank was dropped, drained and cleaned out less than 12 months ago before the last mot, and I can't get the fuel lines off either at the sender unit or the sedimentor end because they're rusted or rounded or both :/
  9. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my head in

    evening all my brother's disco - '97 300tdi - is not working, the engine starts and idles and revs up ok, but if you hold it at any rev speed above idle for more than a few seconds the engine sounds like its starved of fuel and runs lumpy and then if you don't catch it, it splutters and...
  10. Jay reKx

    fitting Accessory socket in freelander 1 boot

    a new 12v socket will double the value of the gaylander. when you scrap it make sure you point it out to the scrappy or remove it prior to the event or you'll lose out.
  11. Jay reKx

    Email account hacked

    the chinks hacked mine (I know it was them because my account was logged into in shanghai) then they added an out of office autoreply which I never knew was even possible with yahoo so every time someone emailed me it would spam them right back. took me ages to realise I'd been done and then...
  12. Jay reKx

    My landy hates me

    landys hate everybody.
  13. Jay reKx

    Steering guard

    make one out of cardboard and gaffa tape and then copy it onto plate. easy peasy.
  14. Jay reKx

    Modification ?

    thats just a little less than an extra 2'' overall diameter by my calculations so it'll certainly fill the arches a bit more
  15. Jay reKx

    Auto gear box has stuck in gear

    can you not roll it if you put the transfer box into neutral?
  16. Jay reKx

    Steering wheel cover

    his wife thinks 16" is too small.
  17. Jay reKx


  18. Jay reKx

    How did he do that with the front!

    dude could really do with a lesson or two in the use of paragraphs to make is a little more readable though.
  19. Jay reKx

    200 tdi engine temperature

    I thought my temp guage was broken, as since I had it, you can drive any distance and it barely moves off the stop, then last week we hitched 3+ tonnes to the back and booted it up a rather steep hill, so steep it could only be done in first gear as my low box doesnt work, and eventually I...
  20. Jay reKx

    freelander door speakers

    [Obligatory gaylander post] Burn it. [/Obilgatory Gaylander Post]