
New Member
My landy has been stood a few months , I was going to take it to test the other week but the indicaters packed up, fixed now
Yesterday I started her up ,manovered out the drive, drove up and down the estate to bed the new brake pads in and get some fuel,
All good so I took her up for test

"WOO HOO" it passed

So i took the long way round home to blow out some webs

Its back off the road now for a few months coz the clutch burnt out and i had to limp home in low box
Well, what did you expect? You neglected her, ignored her, then expected her to perform on command?!

Nope. ;)
The wife has loads of things for me to do and stuff to spend me money on so the mend may take some time,

They both need some love and atention ,creeping and the like
my series 3 stood for about 2 years before i m.o.teed it,and she was fine for a few weeks,and then all hell broke loose,brake probolems,clutch probolems,lights,indicators,speedo,fuel gauge,temp gauge,the list goes on mate!

part of owning a landy i mfraid! **** ino,and expensive!

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