1. Jay reKx


    the old disco (200tdi) has developed a rather disturbing grinding noise from the gearbox/transfer box direction. it happens when the clutch is lifted in any gear, including reverse, there is no loss of drive and the gears select as normal. its not the same grinding noise that happens when a gear...
  2. Jay reKx

    Weathered Lamp Guards

    personally I'd plastikote with a rattlecan; always gives a better finish than hammerite, and shouldnt really need retouching. if it does, simply spray it again. sprayed a set of alloy wheels with plastikote 2 years ago, and not a flake bubble or chip so far. or you could just polish up with back...
  3. Jay reKx

    Just bought disco 2 ... What to do with the disco one

    keep it, trailer it to pay and play :)
  4. Jay reKx

    So i'm considering another Disco..

    because a disco is a real car, a car with character, a car for real men. not them overpriced breaky downy tratter things, thats allus covered in cow **** and dents because its obviously only farmers who drive them and they cant drive between gateposts without a bit of touchy feely. or them...
  5. Jay reKx

    Which way to go

    out of the two I would definiteley go for a late td5. I've had problems with D3s falling apart and breaking and just being generally unreliable, that and its a big ugly characterless square box. given the choice though, probably a tidy 110 or 130.
  6. Jay reKx

    Do you sleep in your Landy?

    8 month thread revival! yeah since the thread was first started - and I said I havent, but I would - I have kipped in the back of the disco on several occasions, mostly at scout camps. with the back seats folded up, lying diagonally corner to corner its pretty much made to measure. snug and...
  7. Jay reKx

    Advice on making 80' coil sprung trialer

    and 80 feet is fecking long for a trailer, or even a trialer! :rolleyes:
  8. Jay reKx

    S.O.R.N. when to do it ?

    yeah, its all godod; sorn'd my disco last month; it stated sorn'd from the beginning of september, so you still got until the tax runs out.
  9. Jay reKx

    absolutly fuming

    PICS dint work. post on photobucket and post linky pwease :)
  10. Jay reKx

    Land Rover Defenders needed for wedding cars!!

    you're welcome to borrow my ltwt, but you'll need to put a new chassis under it and reassemble it first :)
  11. Jay reKx

    Would this ruin my beast?

    nah, get a good airbrush artist, like the guys who do the rides for the pikey fair, to do a proper job.
  12. Jay reKx

    All terrain tyre comparisons.

    :pop2: me, I'd get insas, but I'm a cheapskate.
  13. Jay reKx

    Cant post a wanted thread, and I ned a part.

    take the spare wheel mount off the back and bolt it to your bonnet? if you dont have one, discos are ten a penny in the scrapyard, and they all got wheel mounts on the back door. makes lifting the bonnet hard bloody work mind.
  14. Jay reKx

    Painting on galv?

    I'm confused Etch Primers - what are they? they says etch primer wont work on galv unless its weathered for aaaages and started to break down (also this is the first time i've heard of galv 'breaking down') at whih point wouldn't its start to rust, which is what you're trying to avoid ...
  15. Jay reKx

    are my diffs broke

    your 300tdi is permanent 4 wheel drive - open differentials in both axles and a lockable differential in the centre, linking the two axles together.
  16. Jay reKx

    are my diffs broke

    peter watch this, it will explain a lot. you have three of these in the landy, as opposed to one in a two wheel drive car. only the centre one locks. How a differential gear works. [VIDEO]
  17. Jay reKx

    Bank Holiday Defender Buyer's Blues

    I love your optimism :D electronics in 90% of other car manufacturers is just that, but clearly you've never experienced landrover electronics. its nothing but smoke, sparks and witchcraft held together with insulation and a prayer. for example my 200tdi has pretty much no fancy electronic...
  18. Jay reKx

    Hmm. Convertible.

    now that, on the other hand, does look good. any more pics?
  19. Jay reKx

    Bloody tax

    range rover sport is topside of 800 a year, but we gnerally still get off lightly compared to N.Ireland :D
  20. Jay reKx

    Opinions on this disco ?

    get underneath it and prod it thorougly with a scewdriver, especially the cills, footwells and rear cossmember, otherwise it looks tidy enough. I'd be inclined to argue to price down at least 25%, if not more. paid a grand for a '98 disco in similar condition a year or so ago, and thought that...